Texas Algebra 2 Standards

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Popular Tutorials in Texas Algebra 2 Standards

    • How Do You Graph an Absolute Value Function?How Do You Graph an Absolute Value Function?

    How Do You Graph an Absolute Value Function?

    Graphing an absolute value equation can be complicated, unless you know how to dissect the equation to find and use the slope and translations. Follow along as this tutorial shows you how to identify the necessary parts of the equation and use them to graph the absolute value equation.

    • What Does the Constant 'k' do in y = |x|+k?What Does the Constant 'k' do in y = |x|+k?

    What Does the Constant 'k' do in y = |x|+k?

    When you're learning about translating absolute value equations, learning about vertical translations is a MUST! Check out this tutorial and see what it takes to translate an absolute value equation vertically.

    • What is an Absolute Value Function?What is an Absolute Value Function?

    What is an Absolute Value Function?

    An absolute value function is just a function that contains absolute values. This tutorial gives a great introduction to this very useful function!

    • What Does the Value of 'a' Do in the Exponential Function  f(x)= a (bx)?What Does the Value of 'a' Do in the Exponential Function  f(x)= a (bx)?

    What Does the Value of 'a' Do in the Exponential Function f(x)= a (bx)?

    Multiplying an exponential function by a constant changes the function's graph. Watch the tutorial to find out how!

    • What's an Exponential Function?What's an Exponential Function?

    What's an Exponential Function?

    Looking at an equation with a variable in the exponent? You have an exponential function! Learn about exponential functions in this tutorial.

    • What is Exponential Growth?What is Exponential Growth?

    What is Exponential Growth?

    Exponential functions often involve the rate of increase or decrease of something. When it's a rate of increase, you have an exponential growth function! Check out these kinds of exponential functions in this tutorial!

    • How Do You Factor a Trinomial?How Do You Factor a Trinomial?

    How Do You Factor a Trinomial?

    Factoring trinomials can by tricky, but this tutorial can help! Follow along as a trinomial is factored right before your eyes! Then, check your answer by using the FOIL method to multiply the binomials back together and see if you get the original trinomial.

    • How Do You Solve a Rational Equation by Adding Fractions?How Do You Solve a Rational Equation by Adding Fractions?

    How Do You Solve a Rational Equation by Adding Fractions?

    Want some extra practice solving rational equations? This tutorial gives you just that! You'll see how to solve a rational equation containing rational expressions with common denominators. Then, you'll see how to solve an equation containing rational expressions with unlike denominators. Take a look!

    • How Do You Solve a Rational Equation by LCD Multiplication?How Do You Solve a Rational Equation by LCD Multiplication?

    How Do You Solve a Rational Equation by LCD Multiplication?

    Want some extra practice solving rational equations? This tutorial gives you just that! You'll see how to solve a rational equation containing rational expressions with common denominators. Then, you'll see how to solve an equation containing rational expressions with unlike denominators. Take a look!

    • How Do You Divide Two Polynomials by Factoring and Canceling?How Do You Divide Two Polynomials by Factoring and Canceling?

    How Do You Divide Two Polynomials by Factoring and Canceling?

    Simplifying a rational expression? You could factor the numerator and denominator and then cancel like factors. Learn what to do in this tutorial!

    • How Can You Tell if a Relation is Not a Function?How Can You Tell if a Relation is Not a Function?

    How Can You Tell if a Relation is Not a Function?

    Every function is a relation, but not every relation is a function! Watch this video to learn how to tell which relations are functions and which are not.

    • How Do You Solve a Word Problem Using a System of Inequalities?How Do You Solve a Word Problem Using a System of Inequalities?

    How Do You Solve a Word Problem Using a System of Inequalities?

    Math can sneak up in all sorts of places, so it's important to be prepared! Follow this tutorial to see a real world math problem involving a system of inequalities!

    • How Do You Solve a System of Equations Using Substitution if One Equation is a Quadratic?How Do You Solve a System of Equations Using Substitution if One Equation is a Quadratic?

    How Do You Solve a System of Equations Using Substitution if One Equation is a Quadratic?

    Substitution is a great way to solve a system of equations! In this tutorial, you'll see how the substitution method is used to solve a system of equations involving both a linear and a quadratic equation!

    • How Do You Solve a System of Equations by Graphing?How Do You Solve a System of Equations by Graphing?

    How Do You Solve a System of Equations by Graphing?

    There are many different ways to solve a system of linear equations. In this tutorial, you'll see how to solve a system of linear equations by graphing both lines and finding their intersection. Take a look!

    • How Do You Solve a System of Inequalities by Graphing?How Do You Solve a System of Inequalities by Graphing?

    How Do You Solve a System of Inequalities by Graphing?

    There are many different ways to solve a system of inequalities. In this tutorial, you'll see how to solve such a system by graphing both inequalities and finding their intersection. Check it out!

    • How Do You Solve a Quadratic Equation with Two Solutions by Graphing?How Do You Solve a Quadratic Equation with Two Solutions by Graphing?

    How Do You Solve a Quadratic Equation with Two Solutions by Graphing?

    One of the many ways you can solve a quadratic equation is by graphing it and seeing where it crosses the x-axis. Follow along as this tutorial shows you how to graph a quadratic equation to find the solution. Check it out!

    • How Do You Solve a Quadratic Equation by Factoring?How Do You Solve a Quadratic Equation by Factoring?

    How Do You Solve a Quadratic Equation by Factoring?

    One of the many ways you can solve a quadratic equation is by factoring it. In this tutorial, you'll see how to factor a quadratic equation using the guess and check method of factoring. Then, use the zero product property to find the solution!

    • How Do You Solve a Quadratic Equation by Using the Quadratic Formula?How Do You Solve a Quadratic Equation by Using the Quadratic Formula?

    How Do You Solve a Quadratic Equation by Using the Quadratic Formula?

    One of the many ways you can solve a quadratic equation is by using the quadratic formula. The quadratic formula is usually chosen when the other methods won't work or are difficult to use. In this tutorial, see how to solve a quadratic equation using the quadratic formula!

    • How Do You Solve a Quadratic Equation by Completing the Square?How Do You Solve a Quadratic Equation by Completing the Square?

    How Do You Solve a Quadratic Equation by Completing the Square?

    One of the many ways you can solve a quadratic equation is by completing the square. In this method, you want to turn one side of the equation into a perfect square trinomial. This tutorial takes you through the steps of solving a quadratic equation by completing the square. Check it out!

    • How Do You Graph a Quadratic Function?How Do You Graph a Quadratic Function?

    How Do You Graph a Quadratic Function?

    When you're trying to graph a quadratic equation, making a table of values can be really helpful. Before you make a table, first find the vertex of the quadratic equation. That way, you can pick values on either side to see what the graph does on either side of the vertex. Watch this tutorial to see how you can graph a quadratic equation!

    • How Do You Determine if a Graph Represents a Linear, Exponential, or Quadratic Function?How Do You Determine if a Graph Represents a Linear, Exponential, or Quadratic Function?

    How Do You Determine if a Graph Represents a Linear, Exponential, or Quadratic Function?

    Graphs come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. In algebra, there are 3 basic types of graphs you'll see most often: linear, quadratic, and exponential. Check out this tutorial and learn how to determine is a graph represents a linear, quadratic, or exponential function!

    • What is a Quadratic Function?What is a Quadratic Function?

    What is a Quadratic Function?

    You can't go through algebra without seeing quadratic functions. The graphs of quadratic functions are parabolas; they tend to look like a smile or a frown. In this tutorial, get introduced to quadratic functions, look at their graphs, and see some examples of quadratic functions!

    • What is the Discriminant?What is the Discriminant?

    What is the Discriminant?

    In a quadratic equation, the discriminant helps tell you the number of real solutions to a quadratic equation. The expression used to find the discriminant is the expression located under the radical in the quadratic formula! In this tutorial, get introduced to the discriminant of a quadratic equation!

    • How Do You Simplify Radicals Using the Product Property?How Do You Simplify Radicals Using the Product Property?

    How Do You Simplify Radicals Using the Product Property?

    Want to simplify a radical whose radicand is not a perfect square? No sweat! Check out this tutorial and see how to write that radicand as its prime factorization. Then, rewrite any duplicate factors using exponents, break up the radical using the product property of square roots, and simplify. To see this process step-by-step, watch this tutorial!

    • How Do You Add Radicals with Like Radicands?How Do You Add Radicals with Like Radicands?

    How Do You Add Radicals with Like Radicands?

    Adding radicals isn't too difficult. As long as they have like radicands, you can just treat them as if they were variables and combine like ones together! This tutorial takes you through the steps of adding radicals with like radicands. Take a look!

    • How Do You Solve a Radical Equation?How Do You Solve a Radical Equation?

    How Do You Solve a Radical Equation?

    Want some practice solving radical equations? Check out this tutorial! You'll see the steps you need to take in order to solve a radical equation and check your answer!

    • How Do You Graph a Square Root Function Using a Table?How Do You Graph a Square Root Function Using a Table?

    How Do You Graph a Square Root Function Using a Table?

    Making a table of values is a useful way to graph a square root function. Just remember to choose x-values for which the function is defined! Watch the tutorial to find out more.

    • What Does the Constant 'k' Do in the Function f(x)=[square root of](x)+k?What Does the Constant 'k' Do in the Function f(x)=[square root of](x)+k?

    What Does the Constant 'k' Do in the Function f(x)=[square root of](x)+k?

    When you're learning about translating square root functions, learning about vertical translations is a MUST! Check out this tutorial and see what it takes to translate a square root function vertically.

    • What's the Inverse Variation or Indirect Proportionality Formula?What's the Inverse Variation or Indirect Proportionality Formula?

    What's the Inverse Variation or Indirect Proportionality Formula?

    Ever heard of two things being inversely proportional? Well, a good example is speed and time. The bigger your speed, the less time it takes to get to where you are going. So when one variable is big, the other is small, and that's the idea of inverse proportionality. But you can express inverse proportionality using equations, and that's an important thing to do in algebra. See how to do that in the tutorial!

    • How Do You Use the Formula for Inverse Variation to Write an Equation?How Do You Use the Formula for Inverse Variation to Write an Equation?

    How Do You Use the Formula for Inverse Variation to Write an Equation?

    If two things are inversely proportional, you can bet that you'll need to use the formula for inverse variation to solve! In this tutorial, you'll see how to use the formula for inverse variation to find the constant of inverse variation and then solve for your answer.

    • How Do You Solve an AND Absolute Value Inequality and Graph It On a Number Line?How Do You Solve an AND Absolute Value Inequality and Graph It On a Number Line?

    How Do You Solve an AND Absolute Value Inequality and Graph It On a Number Line?

    Trying to solve an absolute value inequality? No sweat! This tutorial will take you through the process of solving the inequality. Then you'll see how to write the answer in set builder notation and graph it on a number line. You'll see it all in this tutorial!

    • How Do You Factor a Polynomial Using the A-C Method?How Do You Factor a Polynomial Using the A-C Method?

    How Do You Factor a Polynomial Using the A-C Method?

    Factoring trinomials can by tricky, but this tutorial can help! See how to use the A-C method to factor a trinomial into the product of two binomials. Then, use the FOIL method to multiply the two binomial back together to check your answer.

    • How Do You Factor a Polynomial Using Sum of Cubes?How Do You Factor a Polynomial Using Sum of Cubes?

    How Do You Factor a Polynomial Using Sum of Cubes?

    Factoring a binomial involving addition? Can you rewrite each term as a cubed expression? Then you have a sum of cubes problem! Learn how to identify and factor a sum of cubes problem by watching this tutorial.

    • How Do You Find the Degree of a Polynomial?How Do You Find the Degree of a Polynomial?

    How Do You Find the Degree of a Polynomial?

    Terms and polynomials can't run a fever, but they do have degrees! This tutorial will tell you all about the degree of a term and of a polynomial and will show you how to find it!

    • What is the Standard Form of a Quadratic?What is the Standard Form of a Quadratic?

    What is the Standard Form of a Quadratic?

    Got a quadratic polynomial? Want to put it in standard form? Watch this tutorial to learn the steps it takes to make sure a quadratic polynomial is in standard form!

    • How Do You Add Two Rational Expressions with Different Denominators?How Do You Add Two Rational Expressions with Different Denominators?

    How Do You Add Two Rational Expressions with Different Denominators?

    Adding rational expressions together? Don't have common denominators? No problem! Find the least common denominator (LCD) and change each rational expression into an equivalent expression with that LCD. Once you have common denominators, you're ready to add and simplify! Watch it all in this tutorial!

    • How Do You Find the Least Common Denominator of Two Rational Expressions?How Do You Find the Least Common Denominator of Two Rational Expressions?

    How Do You Find the Least Common Denominator of Two Rational Expressions?

    When adding or subtracting rational expressions, you need have common denominators just like any other fraction. If you don't have common denominators, then you'll need to find the least common denominator (LCD) and use it to get those denominators to be the same. Learn how to find the LCD of two rational expressions by watching this tutorial!

    • How Do You Multiply Two Rational Expressions?How Do You Multiply Two Rational Expressions?

    How Do You Multiply Two Rational Expressions?

    Multiplying together two rational expression isn't so hard, especially if you know the proper steps! This tutorial will take you through all the steps necessary to multiply together two rational expressions and then simplify the product to get the answer. Check it out!

    • How Do You Do Long Division With Polynomials?How Do You Do Long Division With Polynomials?

    How Do You Do Long Division With Polynomials?

    Dividing polynomials? Use long division! Follow along as this tutorial shows you how to perform long division with polynomial. Check it out!

    • What is Domain?What is Domain?

    What is Domain?

    Did you know that a relation has a domain? The domain of a relation is the set of the first coordinates from the ordered pairs. This tutorial defines the domain of a relation!

    • What's the Inverse of a Relation?What's the Inverse of a Relation?

    What's the Inverse of a Relation?

    Did you know there's something called the inverse of a relation? Watch this tutorial to learn the definition for the inverse of a relation and to see an example!

    • What's a Function?What's a Function?

    What's a Function?

    You can't go through algebra without learning about functions. This tutorial shows you a great approach to thinking about functions! Learn the definition of a function and see the different ways functions can be represented. Take a look!

    • How Do You Translate a Function?How Do You Translate a Function?

    How Do You Translate a Function?

    Think about sliding a penny on a table. All you're doing is moving the penny to a new location on the table. That's basically all that's happening when you translate a function! When you translate a function, you're just sliding it to a new location on the coordinate plane!

    • What is a One-to-One Function?What is a One-to-One Function?

    What is a One-to-One Function?

    What is a one-to-one function? What qualities make a function one-to-one? This tutorial is a great introduction and explanation for one-to-one functions!

    • How Do You Solve a System of Equations in Three Variables Using Elimination?How Do You Solve a System of Equations in Three Variables Using Elimination?

    How Do You Solve a System of Equations in Three Variables Using Elimination?

    The elimination method can be extended from solving a system of equations with two variables to solving a system with three variables. Watch the tutorial to find out how!

    • How Do You Solve an Optimization Word Problem?How Do You Solve an Optimization Word Problem?

    How Do You Solve an Optimization Word Problem?

    Optimization problems are used everyday to help businesses figure out how much of their products they need to sell in order to make a profit. Follow along with this tutorial to see a real world problem involving optimization!

    • What is Linear Programming?What is Linear Programming?

    What is Linear Programming?

    If you want to solve an optimization problem, you can use linear programming to help! This tutorial introduces linear programming and the different pieces of this method.

    • What is a Matrix?What is a Matrix?

    What is a Matrix?

    Matrices can help solve all sorts of problems! This tutorial explains what a matrix is and how to find the dimensions of a matrix.

    • What is a Coefficient Matrix?What is a Coefficient Matrix?

    What is a Coefficient Matrix?

    You can solve a system of a equations using matrices! In order to do that, you need to create a coefficient matrix. This tutorial introduces this type of matrix and shows you how to make one!

    • How Do You Add Complex Numbers?How Do You Add Complex Numbers?

    How Do You Add Complex Numbers?

    If you want to add complex numbers together, first regroup them so that like terms are next to one another. Then, add the like terms together, and you have your answer! To see an example, check out this tutorial.

    • How Do You Solve a Quadratic Inequality by Graphing?How Do You Solve a Quadratic Inequality by Graphing?

    How Do You Solve a Quadratic Inequality by Graphing?

    You can solve a quadratic inequality by graphing! Follow along with this tutorial to see how to graph a quadratic inequality and use that graph to find the solution!

    • How Do You Write an Equation For a Quadratic if You Have Three Points?How Do You Write an Equation For a Quadratic if You Have Three Points?

    How Do You Write an Equation For a Quadratic if You Have Three Points?

    Three points determine a parabola, so given three points you can write the parabola's equation. This tutorial will show you how!

    • How Do You Convert a Quadratic from Standard Form to Vertex Form by Completing the Square?How Do You Convert a Quadratic from Standard Form to Vertex Form by Completing the Square?

    How Do You Convert a Quadratic from Standard Form to Vertex Form by Completing the Square?

    The vertex form of a quadratic equation can help you quickly identify the vertex of that quadratic. Follow along with this tutorial to see how to use the completing the square method to change a quadratic equation from standard form to vertex form!

    • What is the Imaginary Unit i?What is the Imaginary Unit i?

    What is the Imaginary Unit i?

    Every tried to take the square root of a negative number? You'll need the imaginary unit 'i' to write the answer. This tutorial introduces you to this useful imaginary unit.

    • What is a Quadratic Inequality?What is a Quadratic Inequality?

    What is a Quadratic Inequality?

    A quadratic inequality is just like a quadratic equation, except instead of an equal sign there's an inequality! Check out this tutorial to see the characteristics of a quadratic inequality and get some practice identifying them.

    • How Do You Find All the Rational Zeros of a Polynomial Function?How Do You Find All the Rational Zeros of a Polynomial Function?

    How Do You Find All the Rational Zeros of a Polynomial Function?

    Polynomial functions with integer coefficients may have rational roots. The Rational Root Theorem lets you determine the possible candidates quickly and easily! Watch the video to learn more.

    • What is the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra?What is the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra?

    What is the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra?

    Does every polynomial function have a solution? The answer can be found through the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra! This tutorial introduces you to the theorem and explains how its meaning.

    • What is the Factor Theorem?What is the Factor Theorem?

    What is the Factor Theorem?

    Trying to figure out if a given binomial is a factor of a certain polynomial? This tutorial can help you find the answer! Follow along to learn about the Factor Theorem and how it can be used to find the factors and zeros of a polynomial.

    • How Do You Find the Cube Root of a Perfect Cube?How Do You Find the Cube Root of a Perfect Cube?

    How Do You Find the Cube Root of a Perfect Cube?

    To find the cube root of a number, start by breaking that number into its prime factorization. Rewrite those factors using exponents and break up the radicals using the Product Property of Radicals. Simplify and you're done! Watch this tutorial to see the entire process step-by-step.

    • How Do You Find the Sum of Two Functions?How Do You Find the Sum of Two Functions?

    How Do You Find the Sum of Two Functions?

    Adding functions is easier than you might think! Follow along with this tutorial to learn how to add two functions together.

    • What are Rational Exponents?What are Rational Exponents?

    What are Rational Exponents?

    You can rewrite an expression with a rational exponent a few different ways. This can come in handy when your solving a problem involving rational exponents. This tutorial shows you how it works! You can even practice with examples!

    • How Do You Convert From Exponential Form to Logarithmic Form?How Do You Convert From Exponential Form to Logarithmic Form?

    How Do You Convert From Exponential Form to Logarithmic Form?

    Having a problem in exponential form is great, but can you change it to logarithmic form? This tutorial shows you that process step-by-step!

    • How Do You Convert From Exponential Form to Natural Logarithmic Form?How Do You Convert From Exponential Form to Natural Logarithmic Form?

    How Do You Convert From Exponential Form to Natural Logarithmic Form?

    Converting from exponential form to natural logarithmic form is easier than you might think! Follow along with this tutorial to see how to perform this conversion.

    • What Does the Constant 'k' Do to the Graph of f(x)=log(x)+k?What Does the Constant 'k' Do to the Graph of f(x)=log(x)+k?

    What Does the Constant 'k' Do to the Graph of f(x)=log(x)+k?

    Translating a logarithmic function vertically can be fun, especially when you know how it's done! This tutorial shows what it takes to shift a logarithmic function up and down!

    • How Do You Graph the Natural Base Exponential Function?How Do You Graph the Natural Base Exponential Function?

    How Do You Graph the Natural Base Exponential Function?

    Want to graph a natural base exponential function? Make a table of points! Then plot the points, connect them, and you have your graph! Follow along with this tutorial to see the entire process step-by-step.

    • How Do You Solve a Logarithmic Equation by Exponentiating?How Do You Solve a Logarithmic Equation by Exponentiating?

    How Do You Solve a Logarithmic Equation by Exponentiating?

    Equations involving logarithms don't have to be scary. Just get rid of the logarithm by exponentiating and solve like any other equation! This tutorial shows you all the steps.

    • What is a Logarithm?What is a Logarithm?

    What is a Logarithm?

    Logarithms can be tricky, but they become a whole lot easier if you understand how they're related to exponents. Follow along with the tutorial to learn about this relationship.

    • What is a Natural Logarithm?What is a Natural Logarithm?

    What is a Natural Logarithm?

    A natural logarithm is a logarithm that has a special base. In this tutorial, you'll be introduced to natural logarithms!

    • What is the Natural Base Exponential Function?What is the Natural Base Exponential Function?

    What is the Natural Base Exponential Function?

    The natural base exponential function is actually a function that's shorter than its name! This tutorial introduces you to this special function and shows you what it looks like.

    • What is the Product Property of Logarithms?What is the Product Property of Logarithms?

    What is the Product Property of Logarithms?

    If you want to add together logarithms with the same base, the Product Property of Logarithms can help! In this tutorial, you'll learn about this helpful property and see how it can be used to quickly add logarithms with the same base.

    • What is a Parabola?What is a Parabola?

    What is a Parabola?

    A parabola is much more than just the graph of a quadratic. This tutorial shows you various definitions of a parabola and even shows you horizontal parabolas! Take a look!

    • What is a Cubic Function?What is a Cubic Function?

    What is a Cubic Function?

    Cubic functions are just one type of function you’ll see in math. This tutorial introduces you to cubic functions, shows you some examples and graphs, and explains the parent function of cubic functions. Check out this tutorial to learn about cubic functions!