An absolute value function is just a function that contains absolute values. This tutorial gives a great introduction to this very useful function!
In this tutorial you'll see how you can think of absolute value in a very intuitive way. Let us know if you have any questions about it!
Every see 'f(x)' in your math? That's function notation! It's a way to indicate that an equation is a function. Learn about function notation by watching this tutorial.
You can't go through algebra without learning about functions. This tutorial shows you a great approach to thinking about functions! Learn the definition of a function and see the different ways functions can be represented. Take a look!
Did you know that a relation has a domain? The domain of a relation is the set of the first coordinates from the ordered pairs. This tutorial defines the domain of a relation!
Think about sliding a penny on a table. All you're doing is moving the penny to a new location on the table. That's basically all that's happening when you translate a function! When you translate a function, you're just sliding it to a new location on the coordinate plane!
Graphing an absolute value equation can be complicated, unless you know how to dissect the equation to find and use the slope and translations. Follow along as this tutorial shows you how to identify the necessary parts of the equation and use them to graph the absolute value equation.