Attributes of functions and their inverses. The student applies mathematical processes to understand that functions have distinct key attributes and understand the relationship between a function and its inverse.

Popular Tutorials in Attributes of functions and their inverses. The student applies mathematical processes to understand that functions have distinct key attributes and understand the relationship between a function and its inverse.

    • How Do You Graph an Absolute Value Function?How Do You Graph an Absolute Value Function?

    How Do You Graph an Absolute Value Function?

    Graphing an absolute value equation can be complicated, unless you know how to dissect the equation to find and use the slope and translations. Follow along as this tutorial shows you how to identify the necessary parts of the equation and use them to graph the absolute value equation.

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    What Does the Constant 'k' do in y = |x|+k?

    When you're learning about translating absolute value equations, learning about vertical translations is a MUST! Check out this tutorial and see what it takes to translate an absolute value equation vertically.

    • What is an Absolute Value Function?What is an Absolute Value Function?

    What is an Absolute Value Function?

    An absolute value function is just a function that contains absolute values. This tutorial gives a great introduction to this very useful function!

    • What's an Exponential Function?What's an Exponential Function?

    What's an Exponential Function?

    Looking at an equation with a variable in the exponent? You have an exponential function! Learn about exponential functions in this tutorial.

    • What is Exponential Growth?What is Exponential Growth?

    What is Exponential Growth?

    Exponential functions often involve the rate of increase or decrease of something. When it's a rate of increase, you have an exponential growth function! Check out these kinds of exponential functions in this tutorial!

    • How Do You Graph a Square Root Function Using a Table?How Do You Graph a Square Root Function Using a Table?

    How Do You Graph a Square Root Function Using a Table?

    Making a table of values is a useful way to graph a square root function. Just remember to choose x-values for which the function is defined! Watch the tutorial to find out more.

    • How Do You Find the Degree of a Polynomial?How Do You Find the Degree of a Polynomial?

    How Do You Find the Degree of a Polynomial?

    Terms and polynomials can't run a fever, but they do have degrees! This tutorial will tell you all about the degree of a term and of a polynomial and will show you how to find it!

    • What is Domain?What is Domain?

    What is Domain?

    Did you know that a relation has a domain? The domain of a relation is the set of the first coordinates from the ordered pairs. This tutorial defines the domain of a relation!

    • What's the Inverse of a Relation?What's the Inverse of a Relation?

    What's the Inverse of a Relation?

    Did you know there's something called the inverse of a relation? Watch this tutorial to learn the definition for the inverse of a relation and to see an example!

    • How Do You Translate a Function?How Do You Translate a Function?

    How Do You Translate a Function?

    Think about sliding a penny on a table. All you're doing is moving the penny to a new location on the table. That's basically all that's happening when you translate a function! When you translate a function, you're just sliding it to a new location on the coordinate plane!

    • What is a One-to-One Function?What is a One-to-One Function?

    What is a One-to-One Function?

    What is a one-to-one function? What qualities make a function one-to-one? This tutorial is a great introduction and explanation for one-to-one functions!

    • How Do You Convert From Exponential Form to Logarithmic Form?How Do You Convert From Exponential Form to Logarithmic Form?

    How Do You Convert From Exponential Form to Logarithmic Form?

    Having a problem in exponential form is great, but can you change it to logarithmic form? This tutorial shows you that process step-by-step!

    • How Do You Convert From Exponential Form to Natural Logarithmic Form?How Do You Convert From Exponential Form to Natural Logarithmic Form?

    How Do You Convert From Exponential Form to Natural Logarithmic Form?

    Converting from exponential form to natural logarithmic form is easier than you might think! Follow along with this tutorial to see how to perform this conversion.

    • How Do You Graph the Natural Base Exponential Function?How Do You Graph the Natural Base Exponential Function?

    How Do You Graph the Natural Base Exponential Function?

    Want to graph a natural base exponential function? Make a table of points! Then plot the points, connect them, and you have your graph! Follow along with this tutorial to see the entire process step-by-step.

    • What is a Logarithm?What is a Logarithm?

    What is a Logarithm?

    Logarithms can be tricky, but they become a whole lot easier if you understand how they're related to exponents. Follow along with the tutorial to learn about this relationship.

    • What is a Natural Logarithm?What is a Natural Logarithm?

    What is a Natural Logarithm?

    A natural logarithm is a logarithm that has a special base. In this tutorial, you'll be introduced to natural logarithms!

    • What is the Natural Base Exponential Function?What is the Natural Base Exponential Function?

    What is the Natural Base Exponential Function?

    The natural base exponential function is actually a function that's shorter than its name! This tutorial introduces you to this special function and shows you what it looks like.

    • What is a Cubic Function?What is a Cubic Function?

    What is a Cubic Function?

    Cubic functions are just one type of function you’ll see in math. This tutorial introduces you to cubic functions, shows you some examples and graphs, and explains the parent function of cubic functions. Check out this tutorial to learn about cubic functions!