How Do You Write a Quadratic Equation in Vertex Form if You Have the Vertex and Another Point?
How Do You Write a Quadratic Equation in Vertex Form if You Have the Vertex and Another Point?
You can write the vertex form for a quadratic equation if you have the vertex and one other point! This tutorial shows you how to take that information and write an equation for the quadratic in vertex form.
select tools, including real objects, manipulatives, paper and pencil, and technology as appropriate, and techniques, including mental math, estimation, and number sense as appropriate, to solve problems
Check out this tutorial where you'll see exactly what order you need to follow when you simplify expressions. You'll also see what happens when you don't follow these rules, and you'll find out why order of operations is so important!
Solve linear equations in one variable, including those for which the application of the distributive property is necessary and for which variables are included on both sides
Trying to solve an equation where you see the same variable more than once? Figure out how to get those variables together and solve the equation with this tutorial!