Popular Tutorials in Step-Up Lessons

    • How Do You Solve a Two-Step Equation by Distributing a Fraction First?How Do You Solve a Two-Step Equation by Distributing a Fraction First?

    How Do You Solve a Two-Step Equation by Distributing a Fraction First?

    Trying to solve an equation for a variable? Are grouping symbols in the way? Watch this tutorial to figure out how remove the grouping symbols and solve the equation!

    • What are Like Terms?What are Like Terms?

    What are Like Terms?

    Combining like terms together is a key part of simplifying mathematical expressions, so check out this tutorial to see how you can easily pick out like terms from an expression

    • What is the Distributive Property?What is the Distributive Property?

    What is the Distributive Property?

    The distributive property is a very deep math principle that helps make math work. It's the rule that lets you expand parentheses, and so it's really critical to understand if you want to get good at simplifying expressions. So check out the tutorial and let us know what you think!

    • How Do You Solve a Multi-Step Equation Using the Distributive Property?How Do You Solve a Multi-Step Equation Using the Distributive Property?

    How Do You Solve a Multi-Step Equation Using the Distributive Property?

    Trying to solve an equation where you see the same variable more than once? Figure out how to get those variables together and solve the equation with this tutorial!

    • How Do You Solve and Graph a Two-Step Inequality?How Do You Solve and Graph a Two-Step Inequality?

    How Do You Solve and Graph a Two-Step Inequality?

    Solving an inequality for a variable? Just perform the order of operations in reverse! Don't forget that if you multiply or divide by a negative number, you MUST flip the sign of the inequality! That's one of the big differences between solving equalities and solving inequalities.

    • How Do You Add Like Terms?How Do You Add Like Terms?

    How Do You Add Like Terms?

    If you work with variables, you need to know how to add like variables together. This tutorial shows you exactly that! Follow along and see how to add like terms together.