
Popular Tutorials in Percentages

    • How Do You Use a Proportion to Find a Part of a Whole?How Do You Use a Proportion to Find a Part of a Whole?

    How Do You Use a Proportion to Find a Part of a Whole?

    Taking a percent of a number? Trying to figure out the result? Use a percent proportion to solve! This tutorial will show you how!

    • What's a Percent?What's a Percent?

    What's a Percent?

    Sales tax, tips at restaurants, grades on tests... no matter what you do, you can't run away from percents. So watch this tutorial and see once and for all what percents are all about!

    • How Do You Turn a Percent into a Decimal?How Do You Turn a Percent into a Decimal?

    How Do You Turn a Percent into a Decimal?

    Percents and Decimals are just tools that let us represent numbers, and that is why percents can be converted into decimals, and decimals can be converted into percents. In this tutorial you'll see how quickly you can convert percents into decimals!

    • How Do You Figure Out a Percent of Change?How Do You Figure Out a Percent of Change?

    How Do You Figure Out a Percent of Change?

    Word problems allow you to see the real world uses of math! In this tutorial, learn how to calculate the percent of increase using the percent of change formula.

    • What's a Percent of Change?What's a Percent of Change?

    What's a Percent of Change?

    Lots of things in this world change their value such as cars, video games, and computers. When something either increases or decreases in value, it can be useful to know the percent of that change in value. To figure out that percent, you'll need the percent of change formula. Learn it with this tutorial!

    • How Do You Use an Equation to Find a Part of a Whole?How Do You Use an Equation to Find a Part of a Whole?

    How Do You Use an Equation to Find a Part of a Whole?

    Taking a percent of a number? Trying to figure out the result? Convert the percent to a decimal and multiply it by the number! This tutorial will show you how!

    • How Do You Use a Proportion to Find What Percent a Part is of a Whole?How Do You Use a Proportion to Find What Percent a Part is of a Whole?

    How Do You Use a Proportion to Find What Percent a Part is of a Whole?

    A part is some percent of a whole. Trying to calculate the percent? Use a percent proportion to solve! This tutorial will show you how!

    • What's a Percent Proportion?What's a Percent Proportion?

    What's a Percent Proportion?

    Percents are important, and the reality is that percents are actually proportions in disguise. In this tutorial you'll see exactly how to connect percents with proportions, and you'll be happier for it :)

    • How Do You Turn a Percent Into a Fraction?How Do You Turn a Percent Into a Fraction?

    How Do You Turn a Percent Into a Fraction?

    Looking for some practice converting percents to fractions? Then this tutorial was made for you! Follow along as this tutorial shows you how to convert a percent to a fraction. Then, reduce the fraction to put it in simplest form. Check it out!

    • How Do You Turn a Fraction Into a Percent?How Do You Turn a Fraction Into a Percent?

    How Do You Turn a Fraction Into a Percent?

    Looking for some practice converting fractions to percents? Then this tutorial was made for you! Follow along as this tutorial shows you how to convert a fraction to a percent.Take a look!

    • How Do You Turn a Decimal into a Percent?How Do You Turn a Decimal into a Percent?

    How Do You Turn a Decimal into a Percent?

    Converting decimals into percents is easier than you may think! To convert a decimal to a percent, just move the decimal point to places to the right and put a percent sign at the end! To see it done, check out this tutorial!

    • How Do You Use a Proportion to Find a Whole?How Do You Use a Proportion to Find a Whole?

    How Do You Use a Proportion to Find a Whole?

    Taking a percent of a number? Trying to figure out the result? Use a percent proportion to solve! This tutorial will show you how!

    • How Do You Use an Equation to Find a Whole?How Do You Use an Equation to Find a Whole?

    How Do You Use an Equation to Find a Whole?

    Taking a percent of a number? Trying to figure out the result? Use a percent equation to solve! This tutorial will show you how!

    • How Do You Figure Out Whether a Percent of Change is an Increase or a Decrease?How Do You Figure Out Whether a Percent of Change is an Increase or a Decrease?

    How Do You Figure Out Whether a Percent of Change is an Increase or a Decrease?

    Word problems are a great way to see the real world applications of math! In this tutorial, you'll see how the percent of change can be found from the information given in a word problem. Check it out!

    • What is the Percent Equation?What is the Percent Equation?

    What is the Percent Equation?

    Taking a percent of a number? Percent equations can be very helpful in solving such a problem, but what are percent equations? Watch this tutorial to learn about percent equations!