Looking at the term 'perpendicular bisector', you can bet it has something to do with perpendicular lines! This tutorial talks all about perpendicular bisectors and shows you exactly what the term means.
A math term can really tell you a lot about the thing it's describing. Take the term 'endpoints'. The endpoints of a line segment are just the 'points' located at the 'ends' of the line segment! That's an informative name! Watch this tutorial to learn about endpoints of a line segment.
A math term can really tell you a lot about the thing it's describing. Take the term line segment. A line segment is just part of a line! In this tutorial, learn about line segments, how to name them, and what the midpoint of a line segment is!
Rays are a very useful part of math. Two rays can create an angle. Multiple angles can create a polygon. Add another dimension, and you get three-dimensional solids! This tutorial introduces you to rays and shows you how to name them.
If two figures have the same size and shape, then they are congruent. The term congruent is often used to describe figures like this. In this tutorial, take a look at the term congruent!
If you want to determine if a point is on the perpendicular bisector of a line segment, the Perpendicular Bisector Theorem and its converse might come in handy. This tutorial gives a great example of how to tell if a given point is a perpendicular bisector of a segment!