When you're given a quadrilateral with some of the interior angles defined with variables, you can find what values those variables need to have to make that quadrilateral a parallelogram. Follow along with this tutorial to learn what steps to take to get the answer!
The term quadrilateral is a really fancy sounding name for a certain kind of polygon. Did you know that there are special types of quadrilaterals? Watch this tutorial to learn about quadrilaterals and their special types.
Solving an equation for a variable? Perform the order of operations in reverse! Check it out in this tutorial.
Solving an equation for a variable? Perform the order of operations in reverse! Check it out in this tutorial.
A parallelogram is a special type of quadrilateral with some special properties. In this tutorial, take a look at parallelograms and learn what kinds of quadrilaterals can also be called parallelograms!