Popular Tutorials in Compute fluently with multi-digit numbers and find common factors and multiples.

    • How Do You Do Long Division?How Do You Do Long Division?

    How Do You Do Long Division?

    We know that calculators are everywhere, but that doesn't mean that long division isn't important! Sometimes you won't be allowed to use a calculator, and when those times occur, you'll be thankful that you watched this video!

    • What's a Dividend and What's a Divisor?What's a Dividend and What's a Divisor?

    What's a Dividend and What's a Divisor?

    When you do division problems, you need to know the vocabulary that people use to describe what number is being divided, and what number is doing the dividing. This tutorial will help you keep that vocabulary straight!

    • How Do You Do Long Division with Decimals?How Do You Do Long Division with Decimals?

    How Do You Do Long Division with Decimals?

    We know that calculators are everywhere, but that doesn't mean that long division isn't important! Sometimes you won't be allowed to use a calculator, and when those times occur, you'll be thankful that you watched this video!

    • How Do You Find the Greatest Common Factor of Two Numbers Using Prime Factorization?How Do You Find the Greatest Common Factor of Two Numbers Using Prime Factorization?

    How Do You Find the Greatest Common Factor of Two Numbers Using Prime Factorization?

    This tutorial uses something called a factor tree to find the greatest common factor of two numbers. Creating a factor tree for a number makes it easier to find its prime factors. These prime factors are used to help find the greatest common factor. Watch this tutorial and learn how to find the greatest common factor using a factor tree.

    • How Do You Subtract Decimals?How Do You Subtract Decimals?

    How Do You Subtract Decimals?

    Doing math with paper and pencil can come in real handy, so make sure you're comfortable subtracting decimals by hand. After all, you don't want the calculator to be a crutch!

    • How Do You Add Decimals?How Do You Add Decimals?

    How Do You Add Decimals?

    Doing math with paper and pencil can come in real handy, so make sure you're comfortable adding decimals by hand. After all, you don't want the calculator to be a crutch!

    • How Do You Multiply Decimals?How Do You Multiply Decimals?

    How Do You Multiply Decimals?

    Doing math with paper and pencil can come in real handy, so make sure you're comfortable multiplying decimals by hand. After all, you don't want the calculator to be a crutch!

    • How Do You Divide Whole Numbers?How Do You Divide Whole Numbers?

    How Do You Divide Whole Numbers?

    Division is a building block of math. This tutorial shows you how to perform long division by going through the process one step at a time.

    • How Do You Solve a Word Problem by Dividing Whole Numbers?How Do You Solve a Word Problem by Dividing Whole Numbers?

    How Do You Solve a Word Problem by Dividing Whole Numbers?

    Word problems are a great way to see math in the real world! Math can help us answer everyday questions. Watch this tutorial to see how division is used to solve a word problem.

    • How Do You Use the Distributive Property to Rewrite and Solve an Addition Problem?How Do You Use the Distributive Property to Rewrite and Solve an Addition Problem?

    How Do You Use the Distributive Property to Rewrite and Solve an Addition Problem?

    Did you know you can solve an addition problem using the distributive property? This tutorial shows you how to do exactly that!

    • How Do You Distribute a Number into an Addition Problem to Solve?How Do You Distribute a Number into an Addition Problem to Solve?

    How Do You Distribute a Number into an Addition Problem to Solve?

    If you're trying to multiply the sum of two numbers, the distributive property may make things easier. Follow along with this tutorial to see how the distributive property can be used to evaluate an expression.

    • How Do You Use Front-End Estimation to Estimate a Sum of Several Decimals?How Do You Use Front-End Estimation to Estimate a Sum of Several Decimals?

    How Do You Use Front-End Estimation to Estimate a Sum of Several Decimals?

    Front-end estimation can be a great way to approximate a sum. In this tutorial, you'll see how to use front-end estimation to approximate the cost of school supplies!

    • How Do You Estimate a Sum of Decimals by Clustering?How Do You Estimate a Sum of Decimals by Clustering?

    How Do You Estimate a Sum of Decimals by Clustering?

    If you want to find the approximate sum of decimals, you can round those numbers first! This tutorial shows you how to round decimals and see what numbers they're close to in order to make adding easier.

    • How Do You Multiply a Decimal by a Whole Number?How Do You Multiply a Decimal by a Whole Number?

    How Do You Multiply a Decimal by a Whole Number?

    If you want to multiply a decimal by a whole number, just ignore the decimal point and multiply like normal! Then, bring the decimal point back for the answer. This tutorial shows you the entire process step-by-step.

    • How Do You Multiply a Decimal by a Whole Number Using Estimation to Place the Decimal?How Do You Multiply a Decimal by a Whole Number Using Estimation to Place the Decimal?

    How Do You Multiply a Decimal by a Whole Number Using Estimation to Place the Decimal?

    When you multiply a decimal and a whole number, removing the decimal point can make multiplying easier, but where does the decimal point go when you want to get your answer? In this tutorial, you'll see how to estimate the location of the decimal point after you multiply!

    • How Do You Solve a Word Problem by Dividing with Decimals and Rounding Your Answer Up?How Do You Solve a Word Problem by Dividing with Decimals and Rounding Your Answer Up?

    How Do You Solve a Word Problem by Dividing with Decimals and Rounding Your Answer Up?

    You never know where division might pop up! This word problem is a great example of using long division to solve a problem.

    • What is a Greatest Common Factor?What is a Greatest Common Factor?

    What is a Greatest Common Factor?

    Being able to take out a greatest common factor can make a problem easier to work with, but before you do that, you need to understand what a greatest common factor is. This tutorial explains exactly that!

    • How Do You Find All the Factors of a Number?How Do You Find All the Factors of a Number?

    How Do You Find All the Factors of a Number?

    Trying to find all the factors of a number? Setting up a table can be really helpful! Check out this tutorial to see how to use a table to find all the factors of a given number.

    • How Do You Find the Greatest Common Factor of Two Numbers by Listing Their Factors?How Do You Find the Greatest Common Factor of Two Numbers by Listing Their Factors?

    How Do You Find the Greatest Common Factor of Two Numbers by Listing Their Factors?

    The greatest common factor (GCF) is the largest factor two or more numbers have in common. Finding the GCF can be very useful in simplifying an expression or solving an equation. Watch this tutorial and learn what it takes to find the GCF of two numbers!

    • What is a Multiple?What is a Multiple?

    What is a Multiple?

    Being able to find multiples of a number is important, especially if you want to find the least common multiple (LCM) between numbers. In this tutorial, you'll be introduced to the term multiple. You'll also see how to find multiples of a given number!

    • What is a Common Multiple and Least Common Multiple?What is a Common Multiple and Least Common Multiple?

    What is a Common Multiple and Least Common Multiple?

    Sometimes terms in math do a pretty good job of describing the thing they name. This is the case with common multiple and least common multiple (LCM). A common multiple is a multiple that two or more numbers have in common. You can probably guess what a least common multiple is! To get more information about these terms, check out this tutorial!

    • How Do You Divide a Decimal by a Decimal?How Do You Divide a Decimal by a Decimal?

    How Do You Divide a Decimal by a Decimal?

    Dividing decimals? Then this tutorial is a must see! Follow along and learn how you can divide decimals by rewriting the problem as a fraction and then using long division to solve. Check it out!