Front-end estimation can be a great way to approximate a sum. In this tutorial, you'll see how to use front-end estimation to approximate the cost of school supplies!
Have you ever looked at the price of something? It's usually given as a decimal! Decimals are a very helpful part of math and can be found in may places in the real world. Watch this tutorial to learn all about decimals!
Sometimes, decimals are so long that you need a way to estimate the value of the decimal. Other times, you may only need a certain amount of exactness to get your answer. This is where rounding decimals to a chosen place can be very helpful! Watch this tutorial to learn how to round a decimal to a chosen place.
If you want to find the approximate sum of decimals, you can round those numbers first! This tutorial shows you how to round decimals and see what numbers they're close to in order to make adding easier.