analyze mathematical relationships to connect and communicate mathematical ideas

Popular Tutorials in analyze mathematical relationships to connect and communicate mathematical ideas

    • What are Similar Figures?What are Similar Figures?

    What are Similar Figures?

    Looking at two figures that are the same shape and have the same angle measurements? You have similar figures! Learn all about it in this tutorial!

    • What's Slope-Intercept Form of a Linear Equation?What's Slope-Intercept Form of a Linear Equation?

    What's Slope-Intercept Form of a Linear Equation?

    When you're learning about linear equations, you're bound to run into the point-slope form of a line. This form is quite useful in creating an equation of a line if you're given the slope and a point on the line. Watch this tutorial, and learn about the point-slope form of a line!

    • How Do You Solve a System of Equations by Graphing?How Do You Solve a System of Equations by Graphing?

    How Do You Solve a System of Equations by Graphing?

    There are many different ways to solve a system of linear equations. In this tutorial, you'll see how to solve a system of linear equations by graphing both lines and finding their intersection. Take a look!

    • How Do You Solve a System of Equations Using the Substitution Method?How Do You Solve a System of Equations Using the Substitution Method?

    How Do You Solve a System of Equations Using the Substitution Method?

    There are many different ways to solve a system of linear equations. In this tutorial, you'll see how to solve a system of linear equations by substituting one equation into the other and solving for the variable. Then, see how to use that variable value to find the value of the other variable. Check it out!

    • How Do You Solve a System of Equations Using the Elimination by Addition Method?How Do You Solve a System of Equations Using the Elimination by Addition Method?

    How Do You Solve a System of Equations Using the Elimination by Addition Method?

    There are many different ways to solve a system of linear equations. In this tutorial, you'll see how to solve a system of linear equations by combining the equations together to eliminate one of the variables. Then, see how find the value of that variable and use it to find the value of the other variable. Take a look!

    • How Do You Solve a System of Equations Using the Elimination by Subtraction Method?How Do You Solve a System of Equations Using the Elimination by Subtraction Method?

    How Do You Solve a System of Equations Using the Elimination by Subtraction Method?

    There are many different ways to solve a system of linear equations. In this tutorial, you'll see how to solve such a system by combining the equations together in a way so that one of the variables is eliminated. Then, see how find the value of that variable and use it to find the value of the other variable. Take a look!

    • How Do You Find the Length of a Leg of a Right Triangle?How Do You Find the Length of a Leg of a Right Triangle?

    How Do You Find the Length of a Leg of a Right Triangle?

    Finding the missing length of a side of a right triangle? If you have the other two side lengths, you can use the Pythagorean theorem to solve! Check out this tutorial and see how to use this really helpful theorem to find that missing side measurement!

    • What is the Pythagorean Theorem?What is the Pythagorean Theorem?

    What is the Pythagorean Theorem?

    The Pythagorean theorem is a very popular theorem that shows a special relationship between the sides of a right triangle. In this tutorial, you'll get introduced to the Pythagorean theorem and see how it's used to solve for a missing length on a right triangle!

    • What is the Mean of a Data Set?What is the Mean of a Data Set?

    What is the Mean of a Data Set?

    When you think of the mean of a data set, think of the word average. 'Mean' and 'average' are the same thing when you're talking about a set of data! This tutorial introduces you to mean and shows you how to find it!

    • What is the Distributive Property?What is the Distributive Property?

    What is the Distributive Property?

    The distributive property is a very deep math principle that helps make math work. It's the rule that lets you expand parentheses, and so it's really critical to understand if you want to get good at simplifying expressions. So check out the tutorial and let us know what you think!

    • How Do You Solve an Inequality With Variables on Both Sides?How Do You Solve an Inequality With Variables on Both Sides?

    How Do You Solve an Inequality With Variables on Both Sides?

    Solving an inequality for a variable? Just perform the order of operations in reverse! Don't forget that if you multiply or divide by a negative number, you MUST flip the sign of the inequality! That's one of the big differences between solving equalities and solving inequalities.

    • How Do You Multiply Two Numbers Using Scientific Notation?How Do You Multiply Two Numbers Using Scientific Notation?

    How Do You Multiply Two Numbers Using Scientific Notation?

    Multiplying together two really large numbers? What about two really small numbers? How about one of each? Scientific notation to the rescue! Watch this tutorial and learn how to multiply using scientific notation.

    • What's the Product of Powers Rule?What's the Product of Powers Rule?

    What's the Product of Powers Rule?

    Working with exponents can be lots of fun, as long as you understand how they work. In this tutorial you'll see how exponents add when you multiply the same number raised to different exponents!

    • What's a Function?What's a Function?

    What's a Function?

    You can't go through algebra without learning about functions. This tutorial shows you a great approach to thinking about functions! Learn the definition of a function and see the different ways functions can be represented. Take a look!

    • What is the Angle-Angle Postulate for Triangle Similarity?What is the Angle-Angle Postulate for Triangle Similarity?
    • How Do You Write and Use a Prediction Equation?How Do You Write and Use a Prediction Equation?

    How Do You Write and Use a Prediction Equation?

    Scatter plots are a great way to see data visually. They can also help you predict values! Follow along as this tutorial shows you how to draw a line of fit on a scatter plot and find the equation of that line in order to make a prediction based on the data already given!

    • How Do You Find a Value for x that Makes Two Lines Parallel?How Do You Find a Value for x that Makes Two Lines Parallel?

    How Do You Find a Value for x that Makes Two Lines Parallel?

    Got a transversal intersecting two lines? Trying to figure out if those lines are parallel? You could test to see if corresponding angles are congruent. This tutorial shows you how!

    • What Does Congruent Mean?What Does Congruent Mean?

    What Does Congruent Mean?

    If two figures have the same size and shape, then they are congruent. The term congruent is often used to describe figures like this. In this tutorial, take a look at the term congruent!

    • What is a Transversal?What is a Transversal?

    What is a Transversal?

    Ever heard of a transversal? It's not as confusing as the term sounds. This tutorial will introduce you to transversals and show you the neat things that happen when a transversal meets two parallel lines. Take a look!

    • What are Interior and Exterior Angles of a Polygon?What are Interior and Exterior Angles of a Polygon?

    What are Interior and Exterior Angles of a Polygon?

    Sometimes a math term can really tell you a lot about the thing it's describing. Think about the terms interior angle and exterior angle. Can you guess where each is located on a polygon? Take a look at this tutorial to find the answer and learn about interior and exterior angles!

    • What is a Rotation?What is a Rotation?

    What is a Rotation?

    Ever turned a door handle? You were performing a rotation! In math, rotations are just the same! Check out this tutorial to learn about rotations.

    • What is the Triangle Sum Theorem?What is the Triangle Sum Theorem?

    What is the Triangle Sum Theorem?

    When you're dealing with triangles, the Triangle Sum theorem can be very useful in finding interior angle measurements. In this tutorial, learn how to find this helpful theorem!

    • What is the Formula for the Volume of a Cylinder?What is the Formula for the Volume of a Cylinder?

    What is the Formula for the Volume of a Cylinder?

    Did you know that you can use the formula for the area of a circle to find the formula for the volume of a cylinder? In this tutorial, you'll see how to do just that! Watch this tutorial to learn about the formula for the volume of a cylinder.

    • What is the Formula for the Volume of a Cone?What is the Formula for the Volume of a Cone?

    What is the Formula for the Volume of a Cone?

    Looking for the formula for the volume of a cone? Then check out this tutorial! You'll learn about the formula for the volume of a cone and see how to use the formula in an example. Take a look!

    • What is the Formula for the Surface Area of a Prism?What is the Formula for the Surface Area of a Prism?

    What is the Formula for the Surface Area of a Prism?

    To find the lateral and surface areas of a prism, it’s important to know their formulas. In this tutorial, you’ll learn about each of these formulas and see them used in an example. Check it out!

    • What is the Formula for the Surface Area of a Cylinder?What is the Formula for the Surface Area of a Cylinder?

    What is the Formula for the Surface Area of a Cylinder?

    To find the lateral and surface areas of a cylinder, it’s important to know their formulas. In this tutorial, you’ll learn about each of these formulas and see them used in an example. Check it out!

    • What is an Unbiased Sample?What is an Unbiased Sample?

    What is an Unbiased Sample?

    When you're trying to learn about a population, it can be helpful to look at an unbiased sample. An unbiased sample can be an accurate representation of the entire population and can help you draw conclusions about the population. This tutorial introduces you to unbiased sampling!