select tools, including real objects, manipulatives, paper and pencil, and technology as appropriate, and techniques, including mental math, estimation, and number sense as appropriate, to solve problems

Popular Tutorials in select tools, including real objects, manipulatives, paper and pencil, and technology as appropriate, and techniques, including mental math, estimation, and number sense as appropriate, to solve problems

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    What are Rates and Unit Rates?

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    How Do You Find the Probability of a Simple Event?

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    What is the Distributive Property?

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    How Do You Figure Out the Sign of a Product or Quotient?

    Multiplying and dividing numbers takes a good amount of thinking, and it's easy to make a mistake. But you can make sure that you're on the right track if you check whether the answer should be positive or negative. In this tutorial you'll see exactly how to tell if your answer will be positive or negative, even if you don't know the exact value of the answer. That way you'll always be able to check your answers!

    • What's a Rational Number?What's a Rational Number?

    What's a Rational Number?

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    How Do You Add Two Negative Numbers?

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    How Do You Solve an Equation Using Addition?

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    What's a Percent of Change?

    Lots of things in this world change their value such as cars, video games, and computers. When something either increases or decreases in value, it can be useful to know the percent of that change in value. To figure out that percent, you'll need the percent of change formula. Learn it with this tutorial!

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    What's the Formula Connecting Distance, Speed, and Time?

    When you have constant speed, the same formula pops up over and over again, and that's the formula that connects distance, speed, and time. Make sure you know this formula, and if you want a refresher, check out the tutorial!

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    How Do You Find the Surface Area of a Rectangular Prism Using a Net?

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    What are Equivalent Ratios?

    Equivalent ratios are just like equivalent fractions. If two ratios have the same value, then they are equivalent, even though they may look very different! In this tutorial, take a look at equivalent ratios and learn how to tell if you have equivalent ratios.

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    • How Do You Find the Area of a Composite Figure?How Do You Find the Area of a Composite Figure?

    How Do You Find the Area of a Composite Figure?

    Composite figures are just a combination of simpler figures in disguise! In this tutorial, you'll see how to break down a composite figure into simpler figures. Then, see how to find the area of each of those individual figures to find the area of the entire composite figure. Watch the whole process in this tutorial!

    • What is a Circle?What is a Circle?

    What is a Circle?

    Circles are a fundamental part of math! In this tutorial, you'll be introduced to circles and see the different parts of a circle such as the diameter, radius, and chord. Check out this tutorial to learn about circles!

    • What is Circumference?What is Circumference?

    What is Circumference?

    The circumference of a circle is the distance around that circle. But what is the formula to find the circumference? In this tutorial, you'll learn the formulas for the circumference of a circle. Take a look!

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    What is the Formula for the Area of a Circle?

    Did you know that you can figure out the formula for the area of a circle by first turning the circle into a parallelogram? It seems a little weird, but it really works! Watch this tutorial to see how it's done!

    • What is the Formula for the Volume of a Prism?What is the Formula for the Volume of a Prism?

    What is the Formula for the Volume of a Prism?

    Trying to find the volume of a prism? Did you know that there's a formula to find that volume? In this tutorial, you'll learn about the formula for the volume of a prism. Check it out!

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    What is the Formula for the Volume of a Pyramid?

    Looking for the formula for the volume of a pyramid? Then check out this tutorial! You'll learn about the formula for the volume of a pyramid and see how to use the formula in an example. Take a look!

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    What is an Unbiased Sample?

    When you're trying to learn about a population, it can be helpful to look at an unbiased sample. An unbiased sample can be an accurate representation of the entire population and can help you draw conclusions about the population. This tutorial introduces you to unbiased sampling!