develop concepts of expressions and equations

Popular Tutorials in develop concepts of expressions and equations

    • How Do You Write the Prime Factorization of a Number Using Exponents?How Do You Write the Prime Factorization of a Number Using Exponents?

    How Do You Write the Prime Factorization of a Number Using Exponents?

    When you're writing the prime factorization of a number, you may be able to use exponents to quickly show all the factors. This tutorial shows you how to find the prime factorization of a number and use exponents to write the answer!

    • What are the Identity Properties of Addition and Multiplication?What are the Identity Properties of Addition and Multiplication?

    What are the Identity Properties of Addition and Multiplication?

    Let's identify an identity! Addition and subtraction have a different identity than multiplication and division. Learn about each of these identities with this tutorial!

    • How Do You Translate a Phrase with One Variable and Number Into a Mathematical Expression?How Do You Translate a Phrase with One Variable and Number Into a Mathematical Expression?

    How Do You Translate a Phrase with One Variable and Number Into a Mathematical Expression?

    Need some practice translating phrases into mathematical expressions? Then this tutorial is for you! You'll get practice translating statements involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division into mathematical expressions.

    • What is the Distributive Property?What is the Distributive Property?

    What is the Distributive Property?

    The distributive property is a very deep math principle that helps make math work. It's the rule that lets you expand parentheses, and so it's really critical to understand if you want to get good at simplifying expressions. So check out the tutorial and let us know what you think!

    • What's the Order of Operations?What's the Order of Operations?

    What's the Order of Operations?

    Check out this tutorial where you'll see exactly what order you need to follow when you simplify expressions. You'll also see what happens when you don't follow these rules, and you'll find out why order of operations is so important!

    • How Do You Multiply A Whole Number By A Fraction?How Do You Multiply A Whole Number By A Fraction?

    How Do You Multiply A Whole Number By A Fraction?

    Multiplying a whole number and a fraction can be confusing, but this tutorial helps to sort things out. Check it out!

    • How Do You Add Two Negative Numbers?How Do You Add Two Negative Numbers?

    How Do You Add Two Negative Numbers?

    Adding two negative numbers together? Just add the absolute value of each number together, put a negative sign in front, and you have your answer! See how it's done in this tutorial.

    • How Do You Evaluate an Algebraic Expression with One Variable?How Do You Evaluate an Algebraic Expression with One Variable?

    How Do You Evaluate an Algebraic Expression with One Variable?

    If you have a value for a variable in an expression, you can evaluate that expression by plugging in that variable value and simplifying! Follow along with this tutorial to see the entire step-by-step process.

    • What is the Commutative Property of Addition?What is the Commutative Property of Addition?

    What is the Commutative Property of Addition?

    When you're adding numbers together, does their order matter? This tutorial can answer that question! It looks at the Commutative Property of Addition!

    • What is the Associative Property of Addition?What is the Associative Property of Addition?

    What is the Associative Property of Addition?

    The Associative Property of Addition is a useful tool when you're adding multiple numbers together! Follow along with this tutorial to learn about this property and see how to use it.

    • What Does It Mean to Divide Fractions?What Does It Mean to Divide Fractions?

    What Does It Mean to Divide Fractions?

    This tutorial gives an in-depth look at dividing fractions by showing you what it really means to divide them.

    • How Do You Represent Real World Situations Using Integers?How Do You Represent Real World Situations Using Integers?

    How Do You Represent Real World Situations Using Integers?

    The real world has all sorts of math clues! See how to use math to represent real world situations by watching this tutorial:

    • What Are Numerical and Algebraic Expressions?What Are Numerical and Algebraic Expressions?

    What Are Numerical and Algebraic Expressions?

    An expression is just a mathematical phrase. In this tutorial, you'll learn about two popular types of expressions: numerical and algebraic expressions. A numerical expression contains numbers and operations. An algebraic expression is almost exactly the same except it also contains variables. Check out this tutorial to learn about these two popular kinds of expressions!

    • What is an Equation?What is an Equation?

    What is an Equation?

    In order to tackle the challenging topics, you first need to know the basics. Equations are the start of some very fun and challenging math problems. Watch this tutorial to learn about equations!

    • How Do You Multiply Mixed Numbers?How Do You Multiply Mixed Numbers?

    How Do You Multiply Mixed Numbers?

    To multiply mixed fractions together, you could first convert each to an improper fraction. Then, multiply the fractions together, simplify, and convert your answer back to a mixed fraction. This tutorial will show you how!

    • How Do You Divide Fractions?How Do You Divide Fractions?

    How Do You Divide Fractions?

    Dividing fractions? Change that division to a multiplication by multiplying the dividend by the reciprocal of the divisor. Learn all about it by watching this tutorial!

    • How Do You Turn a Fraction Into a Terminating Decimal?How Do You Turn a Fraction Into a Terminating Decimal?

    How Do You Turn a Fraction Into a Terminating Decimal?

    Did you know that a fraction just represents a division? To turn a fraction into a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator. In this tutorial, see how to convert a fraction into the terminating decimal it represents.