Linear functions, equations, and inequalities. The student applies the mathematical process standards when using properties of linear functions to write and represent in multiple ways, with and without technology, linear equations, inequalities, and systems of equations.

Popular Tutorials in Linear functions, equations, and inequalities. The student applies the mathematical process standards when using properties of linear functions to write and represent in multiple ways, with and without technology, linear equations, inequalities, and systems of equations.

    • How Do You Find Missing Measurements of Similar Figures Using a Proportion?How Do You Find Missing Measurements of Similar Figures Using a Proportion?

    How Do You Find Missing Measurements of Similar Figures Using a Proportion?

    Trying to find a missing measurement on similar figures? Make ratios from corresponding sides and set up a proportion! Solve the proportion to get your missing measurement. Figure out how to do all that by watching this tutorial!

    • What are Similar Figures?What are Similar Figures?

    What are Similar Figures?

    Looking at two figures that are the same shape and have the same angle measurements? You have similar figures! Learn all about it in this tutorial!

    • What's a Function?What's a Function?

    What's a Function?

    Function rules are like instructions on how to change input values into their respective output values. In this tutorial, see how to write a function rule for a given relation. Check it out!

    • How Do You Find the Slope of a Line from a Graph?How Do You Find the Slope of a Line from a Graph?

    How Do You Find the Slope of a Line from a Graph?

    Trying to find the slope of a graphed line? First, identify two points on the line. Then, you could use these points to figure out the slope. In this tutorial, you'll see how to use two points on the line to find the change in 'y' and the change in 'x'. Then, you'll see how to take these values and calculate the slope. Check it out!

    • How Do You Use X- and Y-Intercepts To Graph a Line In Standard Form?How Do You Use X- and Y-Intercepts To Graph a Line In Standard Form?

    How Do You Use X- and Y-Intercepts To Graph a Line In Standard Form?

    To find the x-intercept of a given linear equation, simply remove the 'y' and solve for 'x'. To find the y-intercept, remove the 'x' and solve for 'y'. In this tutorial, you'll see how to find the x-intercept and the y-intercept for a given linear equation. Check it out!

    • How Do You Write an Equation of a Line in Point-Slope Form If You Have Two Points?How Do You Write an Equation of a Line in Point-Slope Form If You Have Two Points?

    How Do You Write an Equation of a Line in Point-Slope Form If You Have Two Points?

    Trying to write an equation in point-slope form? Have two points but no slope? You'll need to use those points to find a slope first. Watch this tutorial and see what needs to be done to write an equation in point-slope form!

    • What's the Formula for Slope?What's the Formula for Slope?

    What's the Formula for Slope?

    When you're dealing with linear equations, you may be asked to find the slope of a line. That's when knowing the slope formula really comes in handy! Learn the formula to find the slope of a line by watching this tutorial.

    • How Do You Know if Two Lines are Parallel?How Do You Know if Two Lines are Parallel?

    How Do You Know if Two Lines are Parallel?

    Parallel lines are lines that will go on and on forever without ever intersecting. This is because they have the same slope! If you have two linear equations that have the same slope but different y-intercepts, then those lines are parallel to one another!

    • How Do You Know if Two Lines Are Perpendicular?How Do You Know if Two Lines Are Perpendicular?

    How Do You Know if Two Lines Are Perpendicular?

    Perpendicular lines intersect at right angles to one another. To figure out if two equations are perpendicular, take a look at their slopes. The slopes of perpendicular lines are opposite reciprocals of each other. Their product is -1! Watch this tutorial and see how to determine if two equations are perpendicular.

    • What's Point-Slope Form of a Linear Equation?What's Point-Slope Form of a Linear Equation?

    What's Point-Slope Form of a Linear Equation?

    When you're learning about linear equations, you're bound to run into the point-slope form of a line. This form is quite useful in creating an equation of a line if you're given the slope and a point on the line. Watch this tutorial, and learn about the point-slope form of a line!

    • What's Slope-Intercept Form of a Linear Equation?What's Slope-Intercept Form of a Linear Equation?

    What's Slope-Intercept Form of a Linear Equation?

    When you're learning about linear equations, you're bound to run into the point-slope form of a line. This form is quite useful in creating an equation of a line if you're given the slope and a point on the line. Watch this tutorial, and learn about the point-slope form of a line!

    • How Do You Solve a System of Equations by Graphing?How Do You Solve a System of Equations by Graphing?

    How Do You Solve a System of Equations by Graphing?

    There are many different ways to solve a system of linear equations. In this tutorial, you'll see how to solve a system of linear equations by graphing both lines and finding their intersection. Take a look!

    • How Do You Solve a System of Equations Using the Substitution Method?How Do You Solve a System of Equations Using the Substitution Method?

    How Do You Solve a System of Equations Using the Substitution Method?

    There are many different ways to solve a system of linear equations. In this tutorial, you'll see how to solve a system of linear equations by substituting one equation into the other and solving for the variable. Then, see how to use that variable value to find the value of the other variable. Check it out!

    • How Do You Solve a System of Equations Using the Elimination by Addition Method?How Do You Solve a System of Equations Using the Elimination by Addition Method?

    How Do You Solve a System of Equations Using the Elimination by Addition Method?

    There are many different ways to solve a system of linear equations. In this tutorial, you'll see how to solve a system of linear equations by combining the equations together to eliminate one of the variables. Then, see how find the value of that variable and use it to find the value of the other variable. Take a look!

    • How Do You Graph a System of Equations With No Solution?How Do You Graph a System of Equations With No Solution?

    How Do You Graph a System of Equations With No Solution?

    There are many different ways to solve a system of linear equations. In this tutorial, you'll see how to solve a system of linear equations by graphing both lines and finding their intersection. Take a look!

    • How Do You Solve a System of Equations Using the Elimination by Multiplication Method?How Do You Solve a System of Equations Using the Elimination by Multiplication Method?

    How Do You Solve a System of Equations Using the Elimination by Multiplication Method?

    There are many different ways to solve a system of linear equations. In this tutorial, you'll see how to solve such a system by combining the equations together in a way so that one of the variables is eliminated. Then, see how find the value of that variable and use it to find the value of the other variable. Take a look!

    • How Do You Solve a System of Inequalities by Graphing?How Do You Solve a System of Inequalities by Graphing?

    How Do You Solve a System of Inequalities by Graphing?

    There are many different ways to solve a system of inequalities. In this tutorial, you'll see how to solve such a system by graphing both inequalities and finding their intersection. Check it out!

    • How Do You Solve a Word Problem Using the Elimination by Subtraction Method?How Do You Solve a Word Problem Using the Elimination by Subtraction Method?

    How Do You Solve a Word Problem Using the Elimination by Subtraction Method?

    Word problems are a great way to see math in action! In this tutorial, you'll see how to write a system of linear equations from the information given in a word problem. Then, you'll see how to solve this system using the elimination method. See this entire process by watching this tutorial!

    • How Do You Write an Equation from a Word Problem?How Do You Write an Equation from a Word Problem?

    How Do You Write an Equation from a Word Problem?

    Having difficulty turning a word problem into an algebra equation? Then this tutorial is for you! With this tutorial, you'll learn how to break down word problems and translate them into mathematical equations.

    • How Do You Solve a Word Problem Using Two Equations?How Do You Solve a Word Problem Using Two Equations?

    How Do You Solve a Word Problem Using Two Equations?

    Sometimes word problems describe a system of equations, two equations each with two unknowns. Solving word problems like this one aren't so bad if you know what to do. Check it out with this tutorial!

    • How Do You Solve Two Equations with Two Variables?How Do You Solve Two Equations with Two Variables?

    How Do You Solve Two Equations with Two Variables?

    Trying to solve two equations each with the same two unknown variables? Take one of the equations and solve it for one of the variables. Then plug that into the other equation and solve for the variable. Plug that value into either equation to get the value for the other variable. This tutorial will take you through this process of substitution step-by-step!

    • What's the Direct Variation or Direct Proportionality Formula?What's the Direct Variation or Direct Proportionality Formula?

    What's the Direct Variation or Direct Proportionality Formula?

    Ever heard of two things being directly proportional? Well, a good example is speed and distance. The bigger your speed, the farther you'll go over a given time period. So as one variable goes up, the other goes up too, and that's the idea of direct proportionality. But you can express direct proportionality using equations, and that's an important thing to do in algebra. See how to do that in the tutorial!

    • How Do You Use the Formula for Direct Variation?How Do You Use the Formula for Direct Variation?

    How Do You Use the Formula for Direct Variation?

    If two things are directly proportional, you can bet that you'll need to use the formula for direct variation to solve! In this tutorial, you'll see how to use the formula for direct variation to find the constant of variation and then solve for your answer.

    • How Do You Solve a Proportion Using Cross Products?How Do You Solve a Proportion Using Cross Products?

    How Do You Solve a Proportion Using Cross Products?

    Want to solve a percent proportion? Just use the means extremes property of proportions to cross multiply! Solve for the variable, and you have your answer! Learn how with this tutorial.

    • How Do You Graph a Greater Than Inequality on the Coordinate Plane?How Do You Graph a Greater Than Inequality on the Coordinate Plane?

    How Do You Graph a Greater Than Inequality on the Coordinate Plane?

    Graphing inequalities on the coordinate plane is not as difficult as you might think, especially if you know what to do! In this tutorial, you'll see the steps you need to follow to graph an inequality.

    • How Do You Use the Graph of a Linear Equation to Solve a Word Problem?How Do You Use the Graph of a Linear Equation to Solve a Word Problem?

    How Do You Use the Graph of a Linear Equation to Solve a Word Problem?

    Word problems are a great way to see math in the real world! In this tutorial, see how to figure out how long it will take for a rabbit population to go extinct. You'll also see how to set up a table and a graph to help find the answer!

    • How Do You Graph a Linear Equation by Making a Table?How Do You Graph a Linear Equation by Making a Table?

    How Do You Graph a Linear Equation by Making a Table?

    Graphing a function? It would be really helpful if you had a table of values that fit your equation. You could plot those values on a coordinate plane and connect the point to make your graph. See it all in this tutorial!

    • How Do You Find f(x) If You Have a Value For x?How Do You Find f(x) If You Have a Value For x?

    How Do You Find f(x) If You Have a Value For x?

    To solve a function for a given value, plug that value into the function and simplify. See this first-hand by watching this tutorial!

    • What's Standard Form of a Linear Equation?What's Standard Form of a Linear Equation?

    What's Standard Form of a Linear Equation?

    A linear equation can be written in many different forms, and each of them is quite useful! One of these is standard form. Watch this tutorial and learn the standard form for a linear equation!

    • What's a Function?What's a Function?

    What's a Function?

    You can't go through algebra without learning about functions. This tutorial shows you a great approach to thinking about functions! Learn the definition of a function and see the different ways functions can be represented. Take a look!

    • What is Function Notation?What is Function Notation?

    What is Function Notation?

    Every see 'f(x)' in your math? That's function notation! It's a way to indicate that an equation is a function. Learn about function notation by watching this tutorial.

    • How Do You Solve a Proportion Using the Multiplication Property of Equality?How Do You Solve a Proportion Using the Multiplication Property of Equality?

    How Do You Solve a Proportion Using the Multiplication Property of Equality?

    Trying to find a missing value in a ratio to create proportional ratios? You could use the multiplication property of equality! In this tutorial, see how to use this property to find a missing value in a ratio. Take a look!

    • How Do You Write the Equation of a Line in Slope-Intercept Form If You Have a Graph?How Do You Write the Equation of a Line in Slope-Intercept Form If You Have a Graph?

    How Do You Write the Equation of a Line in Slope-Intercept Form If You Have a Graph?

    Working with the graph of a line? Trying to find the equation for that graph? Just pick two points on the line and use them to find the equation. This tutorial shows you how to take two points on the graph of a line and use them to find the slope-intercept form of the line!

    • How Do You Determine if an Ordered Pair is a Solution to a Linear Inequality?How Do You Determine if an Ordered Pair is a Solution to a Linear Inequality?

    How Do You Determine if an Ordered Pair is a Solution to a Linear Inequality?

    To see if an ordered pair is a solution to an inequality, plug it into the inequality and simplify. If you get a true statement, then the ordered pair is a solution to the inequality. If you get a false statement, then the ordered pair is not a solution. Take a look at this tutorial and learn how to determine if an ordered pair is a solution to an inequality!

    • How Do You Make a Scatter Plot?How Do You Make a Scatter Plot?

    How Do You Make a Scatter Plot?

    Scatter plots are a very useful way to help you visually see data. In this tutorial, you'll see how to take data from a table and plot it to create a scatter plot. Take a look!

    • How Do You Write and Use a Prediction Equation?How Do You Write and Use a Prediction Equation?

    How Do You Write and Use a Prediction Equation?

    Scatter plots are a great way to see data visually. They can also help you predict values! Follow along as this tutorial shows you how to draw a line of fit on a scatter plot and find the equation of that line in order to make a prediction based on the data already given!