Word problems allow you to see the real world uses of math! This tutorial shows you how to take a words problem and turn it into a percent proportion. Then see how to solve for the answer using the mean extremes property of proportions. Take a look!
Sales tax, tips at restaurants, grades on tests... no matter what you do, you can't run away from percents. So watch this tutorial and see once and for all what percents are all about!
Taking a percent of a number? Trying to figure out the result? Convert the percent to a decimal and multiply it by the number! This tutorial will show you how!
If you want to find a percent in a word problem, you may be able to use a ratio to help you! This tutorial shows you how to do exactly that!
Some fractions are seen so often in math that it can be helpful to know the percent that goes with it. This tutorial shows you some common percent-fraction relationships!
If you're finding the percent of a number and that percent is a power of 10, there's a trick to quickly find the answer! This tutorial explains how to calculate percents that are powers of 10.