Mixed expressions are mix of monomials and algebraic fractions. To learn more about mixed expressions, and to see and example, check out this video!
Numerators and denominators are the key ingredients that make fractions, so if you want to work with fractions, you have to know what numerators and denominators are. Lucky for you, this tutorial will teach you some great tricks for remembering what numerators and denominators are all about.
If you learn about algebra, then you'll see monomials everywhere! Watch this tutorial and learn what makes a monomial, and what does not.
Converting a mixed expression to a rational expression? You need to have common denominators in order to create on rational expression. Watch this tutorial and learn what it takes to convert a mixed expression to a rational one!
Why can't you divide by 0? This may be one of the most asked math questions. Get this question answered once and for all by watching this tutorial!
Got a fraction with a polynomial in the numerator and denominator? You have a rational expression! Learn about rational expressions in this tutorial.