More Specific Topics in Scale Models

Popular Tutorials in Scale Models

    • What is a Scale Drawing?What is a Scale Drawing?

    What is a Scale Drawing?

    Without a blueprint, it would be really hard to construct a building. Without a road map, you'd be lost! Scale drawings make it easy to see large things, like buildings and roads, on paper. Even a GPS uses scale drawings! Check out this tutorial to learn all about scale drawings.

    • How Do You Solve a Scale Model Problem Using a Proportion?How Do You Solve a Scale Model Problem Using a Proportion?

    How Do You Solve a Scale Model Problem Using a Proportion?

    This tutorial provides a great real world application of math. You'll see how to use the scale from a blueprint of a house to help find the actual height of the house. This tutorial shows you how to use a proportion to solve!

    • How Do You Solve a Scale Model Problem Using a Scale Factor?How Do You Solve a Scale Model Problem Using a Scale Factor?

    How Do You Solve a Scale Model Problem Using a Scale Factor?

    This tutorial provides a great real world application of math! You'll see how to use the scale on a house blueprint to find the scale factor. Then, see how to use the scale factor and a measurement from the blueprint to find the measurement on the actual house! Check out this tutorial and see the usefulness blueprints and scale factor!

    • How Do You Find the Scale of a Model?How Do You Find the Scale of a Model?

    How Do You Find the Scale of a Model?

    Want some practice with scale? Then check out this tutorial and you'll see how to find the scale of a model given the lengths of the model and the actual object. Take a look!

    • How Do You Use the Scale on a Map to Find an Actual Distance?How Do You Use the Scale on a Map to Find an Actual Distance?

    How Do You Use the Scale on a Map to Find an Actual Distance?

    Maps help us get from one place to another. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to use a map to find an actual distance.

    • How Do You Figure Out What Size a Model Should Be if You Have a Scale?How Do You Figure Out What Size a Model Should Be if You Have a Scale?

    How Do You Figure Out What Size a Model Should Be if You Have a Scale?

    Before tall sky scrapers are build, a scale model of the building is made, but how does the architect know what size the model should be? Follow along with this tutorial to find out!

    • What is a Scale?What is a Scale?

    What is a Scale?

    In math, the term scale is used to represent the relationship between a measurement on a model and the corresponding measurement on the actual object. Without scales, maps and blueprints would be pretty useless. Check out this tutorial and learn about scale factor!