More Specific Topics in Rates and Unit Rates

Popular Tutorials in Rates and Unit Rates

    • How Do You Solve a Word Problem Using Unit Rates?How Do You Solve a Word Problem Using Unit Rates?

    How Do You Solve a Word Problem Using Unit Rates?

    Word problems allow you to see the real world uses of math! This tutorial shows you how to take a rate and convert it to a unit rate. Then, you can use that unit rate to calculate your answer. Watch this tutorial to learn all about it!

    • How Do You Convert a Rate To A Unit Rate?How Do You Convert a Rate To A Unit Rate?

    How Do You Convert a Rate To A Unit Rate?

    When you talk about the speed of a car, you usually say something in miles per hour. For example, you say, 'I drove 40 miles per hour.' Normally, you don't say, 'I drove 120 miles per 3 hours.' Figure out how to convert a rate like 120 miles per 3 hours to the unit rate of 40 miles per hour by watching this tutorial.

    • What are Rates and Unit Rates?What are Rates and Unit Rates?

    What are Rates and Unit Rates?

    Can you do 100 sit-ups in 2 minutes? That's a rate! Driving a car going 40 miles per hour? That's a unit rate! Watch this tutorial to learn about rate and unit rate (and the difference!).

    • How Do You Use Unit Rates to Compare Rates?How Do You Use Unit Rates to Compare Rates?

    How Do You Use Unit Rates to Compare Rates?

    Word problems allow you to see the real world uses of math! This tutorial shows you how to use ratios to figure out which store has a better deal on cupcakes. Take a look!

    • How Do You Use Dimensional Analysis to Convert Units on One Part of a Rate?How Do You Use Dimensional Analysis to Convert Units on One Part of a Rate?

    How Do You Use Dimensional Analysis to Convert Units on One Part of a Rate?

    Word problems are a great way to see math in action! In this tutorial, learn how to use the information given in a word problem to create a rate. Then, find and use a conversion factor to convert a unit in the rate. Take a look!

    • How Do You Use Dimensional Analysis to Convert Units on Both Parts of a Rate?How Do You Use Dimensional Analysis to Convert Units on Both Parts of a Rate?

    How Do You Use Dimensional Analysis to Convert Units on Both Parts of a Rate?

    Word problems are a great way to see math in action! In this tutorial, learn how to use the information given in a word problem to create a rate. Then, find and use conversion factors to convert the rate to different units!

    • How Do You Convert Miles to Kilometers?How Do You Convert Miles to Kilometers?

    How Do You Convert Miles to Kilometers?

    The world is full of different units of measure, and it's important to know how to convert from one unit to another. This tutorial shows you how to convert from miles to kilometers. Check it out!

    • How Do You Convert Yards to Meters?How Do You Convert Yards to Meters?
    • What is Dimensional, or Unit Analysis?What is Dimensional, or Unit Analysis?

    What is Dimensional, or Unit Analysis?

    If you’re solving a math problem or word problem that contains units, you need to remember to include your units in your answer. By using dimensional analysis or unit analysis, you can include those units as you solve! Watch this tutorial and take a look at dimensional analysis!