In order to subtract fractions, they must have the same denominators. To get the same denominators, you can find equivalent fractions! This tutorial shows you how to subtract fractions with unlike denominators.
To subtract fractions with the same denominators, just subtract the numerators! Follow along with this tutorial to see an example of subtracting fraction with the same denominators.
Finding equivalent fractions is an important part of things like adding, subtracting, and comparing fractions. But what are they? In this tutorial, you'll learn that equivalent fractions are just fractions that have the same value, even though they may look very different! Take a look at equivalent fractions by watching this tutorial!
This tutorial gives you some practice finding a common denominator and the least common denominator of three fractions. There's only one least common denominator, but there are many common denominators. This tutorial gives you one. Can you find another?
If you're adding fractions with unlike denominators, you first need to get those denominators to be the same! This tutorial shows you how to write fractions so they have common denominators and then shows you how to add those fractions together.