More Specific Topics in Variables and Equations

Popular Tutorials in Variables and Equations

    • How Do You Solve an Equation by Guessing and Checking?How Do You Solve an Equation by Guessing and Checking?

    How Do You Solve an Equation by Guessing and Checking?

    Want to solve an equation by guessing and checking possible answers? Then this tutorial is for you! Make sure to pay close attention to the strategy involved in guessing and checking!

    • What is an Equation?What is an Equation?

    What is an Equation?

    In order to tackle the challenging topics, you first need to know the basics. Equations are the start of some very fun and challenging math problems. Watch this tutorial to learn about equations!

    • What is a Solution to an Equation?What is a Solution to an Equation?

    What is a Solution to an Equation?

    When you get an equation, usually you want to solve it and find the answer. This tutorial explains what it means to find the solution to an equation. Take a look!