Word problems and percents can be a fun combination! This tutorial shows you how to find the percent of something in a basket using ratios!
Numerators and denominators are the key ingredients that make fractions, so if you want to work with fractions, you have to know what numerators and denominators are. Lucky for you, this tutorial will teach you some great tricks for remembering what numerators and denominators are all about.
Ratios are everywhere! The scale on a map or blueprint is a ratio. Ingredients sometimes need to be mixed using ratios such as the ratio of water to cement mix when making cement. Watch this tutorial to learn about ratios. Then think of some ratios you've encountered before!
Sales tax, tips at restaurants, grades on tests... no matter what you do, you can't run away from percents. So watch this tutorial and see once and for all what percents are all about!
Looking for some practice converting fractions to percents? Then this tutorial was made for you! Follow along as this tutorial shows you how to convert a fraction to a percent.Take a look!
Converting decimals into percents is easier than you may think! To convert a decimal to a percent, just move the decimal point to places to the right and put a percent sign at the end! To see it done, check out this tutorial!
Fractions involving large numbers can be a handful, but sometimes these fractions can be reduced, taking those large numbers off your hands. This tutorial shows you how to reduce a fraction to its simplest form. Take a look!