When you're writing the prime factorization of a number, you may be able to use exponents to quickly show all the factors. This tutorial shows you how to find the prime factorization of a number and use exponents to write the answer!
Prime numbers aren't too hard to define, but they still puzzle professional mathematicians. Believe it or not, all over the word computers are chugging away, trying to find the next biggest prime! Bigger and bigger prime numbers help keep your credit card info safe through really cool encryption techniques. So prime numbers really matter every day, and you can learn how they are defined in this tutorial.
To write the prime factorization for a number, it's often useful to use something called a factor tree. Follow along with this tutorial and see how to use a factor tree to find the prime factorization of a given number.
If the only factors a number are 1 and itself, then that number is prime. A number that is not prime is called composite. Learn about prime and composite numbers by watching this tutorial!
The term 'factor' is seen a lot in math, so it's important to know what it means. This tutorial introduces you to that term!
Trying to find all the factors of a number? Setting up a table can be really helpful! Check out this tutorial to see how to use a table to find all the factors of a given number.