The real world has all sorts of math clues! See how to use math to represent real world situations by watching this tutorial:
Knowing the mathematical meaning of words allows you to decipher word problems and gives you the power to write your own word problems, too! Take a look at these words and learn their mathematical translations.
There are lots of different kinds of numbers that you'll come across in algebra, and a lot of these kinds of numbers are related to each other. Before you learn how they are related, you've got to learn about them separately, and in this tutorial you'll how to define integers :)
Positive and negative numbers (and zero!) are the building blocks of math. This tutorial will introduce you to positive and negative numbers and show you their location on a number line. Plus, learn a special thing about the number zero!
Turning a phrase from words to a math problem can be tricky, but practice can make this process easier! In this tutorial, you'll see how to look for key words that can help you translate a phrase into math.