A median of a triangle is a special line segment that connects two pieces of a triangle. This tutorial introduces you to the median of a triangle and shows you how many medians each triangle has!
A math term can really tell you a lot about the thing it's describing. Take the term 'endpoints'. The endpoints of a line segment are just the 'points' located at the 'ends' of the line segment! That's an informative name! Watch this tutorial to learn about endpoints of a line segment.
A math term can really tell you a lot about the thing it's describing. Take the term line segment. A line segment is just part of a line! In this tutorial, learn about line segments, how to name them, and what the midpoint of a line segment is!
Want to find the point midway between two locations? Then you're looking for the midpoint! The midpoint of a line segment is the point located midway between the endpoints of the line segment. This tutorial tells you about the midpoint of a line segment. Take a look!
When you're given the centroid of a triangle and a few measurements of that triangle, you can use that information to find missing measurements in the triangle! This tutorial shows you how it's done.