If you want to find the volume of a triangular pyramid, you'll need to know the length and height of the base and the height of the pyramid. Once you have those values, you can plug them into the formula for the volume of a triangular pyramid and simplify. Check out this tutorial to see this process!
Plugging variables into an expression is essential for solving many algebra problems. See how to plug in variable values by watching this tutorial.
If you're trying to simplify some math expressions, you have to do it in the right order. If you've ever wondered how to do that, check out this example tutorial where you'll see exactly what order you need to follow:)
You can't do algebra without working with variables, but variables can be confusing. If you've ever wondered what variables are, then this tutorial is for you!
Check out this tutorial where you'll see exactly what order you need to follow when you simplify expressions. You'll also see what happens when you don't follow these rules, and you'll find out why order of operations is
You've probably seen pictures of Egyptian pyramids, or maybe you've even seen them in person! Those pyramids mostly have either triangular or rectangular bases, but did you know that there are other types of pyramids? In this tutorial, you'll see what a three-dimensional solid needs to be called a pyramid. You'll also see how to name these pyramids, so take a look!
The volume of a cylinder is the amount of space that will fit inside it. You can use the formula for the volume of a cylinder to find that amount! In this tutorial, see how to use that formula and the radius and height of the cylinder to find the volume. Check it out!