Popular Tutorials in Ratios and Proportions

    • What is a Scale Drawing?What is a Scale Drawing?

    What is a Scale Drawing?

    Without a blueprint, it would be really hard to construct a building. Without a road map, you'd be lost! Scale drawings make it easy to see large things, like buildings and roads, on paper. Even a GPS uses scale drawings! Check out this tutorial to learn all about scale drawings.

    • How Do You Solve a Proportion Using Cross Products?How Do You Solve a Proportion Using Cross Products?

    How Do You Solve a Proportion Using Cross Products?

    Want to solve a percent proportion? Just use the means extremes property of proportions to cross multiply! Solve for the variable, and you have your answer! Learn how with this tutorial.

    • What's a Proportion?What's a Proportion?

    What's a Proportion?

    The idea of proportions is that a ratio can be written in many ways and still be equal to the same value. That's why proportions are actually equations with equal ratios. This is a bit of a tricky definition, so make sure to watch the tutorial!

    • What's the Means-Extremes Property of Proportions?What's the Means-Extremes Property of Proportions?

    What's the Means-Extremes Property of Proportions?

    The means-extremes property of proportions allows you to cross multiply, taking the product of the means and setting them equal to the product of the extremes. This property comes in handy when you're trying to solve a proportion. Watch this tutorial to learn more!

    • What's a Ratio?What's a Ratio?

    What's a Ratio?

    Ratios are everywhere! The scale on a map or blueprint is a ratio. Ingredients sometimes need to be mixed using ratios such as the ratio of water to cement mix when making cement. Watch this tutorial to learn about ratios. Then think of some ratios you've encountered before!

    • What are the Means and Extremes of Proportions?What are the Means and Extremes of Proportions?

    What are the Means and Extremes of Proportions?

    A proportion is just an equation where two ratios are equal, and each piece of the proportion has a special name. This tutorial will teach you those names, and this will help you understand cross multiplication when you learn it later!

    • How Do You Solve a Word Problem Using a Proportion?How Do You Solve a Word Problem Using a Proportion?

    How Do You Solve a Word Problem Using a Proportion?

    This tutorial provides a great real world application of math. You'll see how to use the scale from a blueprint of a house to help find the actual height of the house. This tutorial shows you how to use a proportion to solve!

    • How Do You Write a Ratio From a Word Problem?How Do You Write a Ratio From a Word Problem?

    How Do You Write a Ratio From a Word Problem?

    Sometimes the hardest part of a word problem is figuring out how to turn the words into a math problem. In this tutorial, you'll see how to take the information given in a word problem and write a ratio. Then, reduce the ratio and explain its meaning. See it all in this tutorial!

    • How Do You Solve a Scale Model Problem Using a Scale Factor?How Do You Solve a Scale Model Problem Using a Scale Factor?

    How Do You Solve a Scale Model Problem Using a Scale Factor?

    This tutorial provides a great real world application of math! You'll see how to use the scale on a house blueprint to find the scale factor. Then, see how to use the scale factor and a measurement from the blueprint to find the measurement on the actual house! Check out this tutorial and see the usefulness blueprints and scale factor!

    • How Do You Find the Scale of a Model?How Do You Find the Scale of a Model?

    How Do You Find the Scale of a Model?

    Want some practice with scale? Then check out this tutorial and you'll see how to find the scale of a model given the lengths of the model and the actual object. Take a look!

    • How Do You Use the Scale on a Map to Find an Actual Distance?How Do You Use the Scale on a Map to Find an Actual Distance?

    How Do You Use the Scale on a Map to Find an Actual Distance?

    Maps help us get from one place to another. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to use a map to find an actual distance.

    • What is a Scale?What is a Scale?

    What is a Scale?

    In math, the term scale is used to represent the relationship between a measurement on a model and the corresponding measurement on the actual object. Without scales, maps and blueprints would be pretty useless. Check out this tutorial and learn about scale factor!

    • How Do You Find the Angles in a Triangle if You Have a Ratio of Their Measures?How Do You Find the Angles in a Triangle if You Have a Ratio of Their Measures?

    How Do You Find the Angles in a Triangle if You Have a Ratio of Their Measures?

    Looking for the measurements of the interior angles of a triangle? Then check out this tutorial! You'll see how to use a given ratio of the interior angles and the Triangle Sum theorem to find those missing measurements. Take a look!