The solution to a quadratic equation can sometimes be an imaginary number! This tutorial shows you how to use the square root method to solve a quadratic equation that has imaginary solutions.
Solving equations can be tough, especially if you've forgotten or have trouble understanding the tools at your disposal. One of those tools is the subtraction property of equality, and it lets you subtract the same number from both sides of an equation. Watch the video to see it in action!
Solving equations can be tough, especially if you've forgotten or have trouble understanding the tools at your disposal. One of those tools is the division property of equality, and it lets you divide both sides of an equation by the same number. Watch the video to see it in action!
Simplifying the square root of a negative number is very similar to simplifying the square root of a positive number. You just need to remember 'i' in your answer! Check out this tutorial to see how to simplify the square root of a negative number.
You can't go through algebra without seeing quadratic equations. The graphs of quadratic equations are parabolas; they tend to look like a smile or a frown. There's also a bunch of ways to solve these equations! Watch this tutorial and get introduced to quadratic equations!
You can never get too much practice working with the quadratic formula, especially when the solution includes complex numbers! Watch this tutorial to see the quadratic formula be used to find the complex solutions to a quadratic equation.
One of the many ways you can solve a quadratic equation is by using the square root method. Follow along with this tutorial and see how to use the square root method to solve a quadratic equation. Take a look!