If you want to graph a piecewise linear function, graph each function on it's specific interval separately. Bring it all together, and you have your graph! This tutorial shows you the entire process for graphing a piecewise linear function.
Knowing how to plot ordered pairs is an essential part of graphing functions. In this tutorial, you'll see how to take an ordered pair and plot it on the coordinate plane. Take a look!
Plugging variables into an expression is essential for solving many algebra problems. See how to plug in variable values by watching this tutorial.
When you're learning about linear equations, you're bound to run into the point-slope form of a line. This form is quite useful in creating an equation of a line if you're given the slope and a point on the line. Watch this tutorial, and learn about the point-slope form of a line!
If you're learning about graphs, you're bound to see a bunch of linear equations, so it's a good idea to understand what makes an equation a linear equation. This tutorial explains linear equations and shows you the difference between equations that are linear and ones that are not. Check it out!
Trying to figure out if an equation is a function? Graph it and perform the vertical line test. If it passes, then it's a function! Get some practice by watching this tutorial!
You can't go through algebra without learning about functions. This tutorial shows you a great approach to thinking about functions! Learn the definition of a function and see the different ways functions can be represented. Take a look!
Even graphs need to worry about tests! Using the vertical line test, you can figure out if a graph is a function or not. Watch this tutorial and learn about the vertical line test. Then, put your graphs to the test!
Every see 'f(x)' in your math? That's function notation! It's a way to indicate that an equation is a function. Learn about function notation by watching this tutorial.
To graph a horizontal line that goes through a given point, first plot that point. Then draw a straight line left and right that goes through the point, and you're done! To see this process in action, watch this tutorial!