Write expressions in equivalent forms to solve problems.

Popular Tutorials in Write expressions in equivalent forms to solve problems.

    • What's the Power of a Quotient Rule?What's the Power of a Quotient Rule?

    What's the Power of a Quotient Rule?

    Got a fraction raised to a power? Learn how to split that exponent and put it in the numerator and denominator of your fraction using the power of a quotient rule. This tutorial shows you how!

    • What's an Exponential Function?What's an Exponential Function?

    What's an Exponential Function?

    Looking at an equation with a variable in the exponent? You have an exponential function! Learn about exponential functions in this tutorial.

    • How Do You Factor a Trinomial?How Do You Factor a Trinomial?

    How Do You Factor a Trinomial?

    Factoring trinomials can by tricky, but this tutorial can help! Follow along as a trinomial is factored right before your eyes! Then, check your answer by using the FOIL method to multiply the binomials back together and see if you get the original trinomial.

    • How Do You Solve a Quadratic Equation by Factoring?How Do You Solve a Quadratic Equation by Factoring?

    How Do You Solve a Quadratic Equation by Factoring?

    One of the many ways you can solve a quadratic equation is by factoring it. In this tutorial, you'll see how to factor a quadratic equation using the guess and check method of factoring. Then, use the zero product property to find the solution!

    • How Do You Use a Shortcut to Factor a Perfect Square Trinomial?How Do You Use a Shortcut to Factor a Perfect Square Trinomial?

    How Do You Use a Shortcut to Factor a Perfect Square Trinomial?

    Factoring a perfect square trinomial? Did you know there's a shortcut to factoring this special kind of trinomial? Check it out! It's pretty cool, and it may make this process a little faster!

    • What's the Product of Powers Rule?What's the Product of Powers Rule?

    What's the Product of Powers Rule?

    Working with exponents can be lots of fun, as long as you understand how they work. In this tutorial you'll see how exponents add when you multiply the same number raised to different exponents!

    • What's the Power of a Power Rule?What's the Power of a Power Rule?

    What's the Power of a Power Rule?

    Sometimes you'll see a number with an exponent raised to another exponent, and the first time you see it, you probably think it's a typo! But it's not a typo, it's a real thing, and there's a really nice trick for making it simpler that you'll see in the video.

    • What's the Power of a Product Rule?What's the Power of a Product Rule?

    What's the Power of a Product Rule?

    There's a great trick for raising a product of two number to an exponent, and this tutorial shows you exactly that trick works.

    • What's the Quotient of Powers Rule?What's the Quotient of Powers Rule?

    What's the Quotient of Powers Rule?

    Working with exponents can be lots of fun, as long as you understand how they work. In this tutorial you'll see how exponents add when you divide the same number raised to different exponents!

    • How Do You Factor a Polynomial Using Difference of Squares?How Do You Factor a Polynomial Using Difference of Squares?

    How Do You Factor a Polynomial Using Difference of Squares?

    Trying to factor a binomial with perfect square factors that are being subtracted? You have a difference of squares problem! Learn how to factor a binomial like this one by watching this tutorial.

    • What's the Zero Product Property?What's the Zero Product Property?

    What's the Zero Product Property?

    The zero-product property let's you split the product of factors into separate equations. Then, you can solve each equation to get the solutions to your original equation! Learn all about this very useful property by watching this tutorial.

    • How Do You Factor a Polynomial by Guessing and Checking?How Do You Factor a Polynomial by Guessing and Checking?

    How Do You Factor a Polynomial by Guessing and Checking?

    Factoring trinomials can by tricky, but this tutorial can help! Follow along as a trinomial is factored using the guess and check method. What, no possibilities work? The trinomial must be prime! Watch this tutorial and see what happens!

    • How Do You Factor a Polynomial Using the A-C Method?How Do You Factor a Polynomial Using the A-C Method?

    How Do You Factor a Polynomial Using the A-C Method?

    Factoring trinomials can by tricky, but this tutorial can help! See how to use the A-C method to factor a trinomial into the product of two binomials. Then, use the FOIL method to multiply the two binomial back together to check your answer.

    • How Do You Find All the Possible Factors of a Trinomial?How Do You Find All the Possible Factors of a Trinomial?

    How Do You Find All the Possible Factors of a Trinomial?

    When factoring a trinomial into the product of two binomials, it's sometimes good to know all the possibilities. This tutorial uses the guess and check method to do just that! Take a look!

    • How Do You Figure Out a Template for Factoring a Trinomial?How Do You Figure Out a Template for Factoring a Trinomial?

    How Do You Figure Out a Template for Factoring a Trinomial?

    Did you know that when you're factoring a trinomial, the signs in the trinomial determine the signs in the product of the binomials? This information is really useful when you're factoring trinomials! Watch this tutorial and learn the different sign cases.

    • How Do You Factor a Common Factor Out Of a Difference of Squares?How Do You Factor a Common Factor Out Of a Difference of Squares?

    How Do You Factor a Common Factor Out Of a Difference of Squares?

    Trying to factor a binomial? See if you can factor out a greatest common factor. This tutorial shows you how to factor a binomial by first factoring out the greatest common factor and then using the difference of squares. Check it out!

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    How Do You Know if You Have a Difference of Squares?

    Not sure if the binomial you've factoring is a difference of squares problem? This tutorial will show you what characteristics the binomial must have in order to be a difference of squares problem. Take a look!

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    How Do You Convert a Quadratic from Standard Form to Vertex Form by Completing the Square?

    The vertex form of a quadratic equation can help you quickly identify the vertex of that quadratic. Follow along with this tutorial to see how to use the completing the square method to change a quadratic equation from standard form to vertex form!

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    How Do You Convert a Quadratic from Standard Form to Vertex Form by Completing the Square if a≠1?

    You can change a quadratic equation from standard form to vertex form by completing the square! This tutorial takes you through the process step-by-step.

    • What is a Series?What is a Series?

    What is a Series?

    A sequence is a set of numbers in a particular order. When you add the values in a sequence together, that sum is called a series! This tutorial introduces series and explains both finite and infinite series.

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