One of the many ways you can solve a quadratic equation is by completing the square. In this method, you want to turn one side of the equation into a perfect square trinomial. This tutorial takes you through the steps of solving a quadratic equation by completing the square. Check it out!
You can't go through algebra without seeing quadratic equations. The graphs of quadratic equations are parabolas; they tend to look like a smile or a frown. There's also a bunch of ways to solve these equations! Watch this tutorial and get introduced to quadratic equations!
If you're solving quadratic equations, knowing the quadratic formula is a MUST! This formula is normally used when no other methods for solving quadratics can be reasonably used. In this tutorial, learn about the quadratic formula and see it used to solve a quadratic equation. Take a look!
Ever wonder how mathematicians came up with the quadratic formula? Wonder no more! This tutorial takes you through the process of deriving the quadratic formula, so even if you forget it on an exam, you'll be able to derive it and then use it to solve your quadratic equation! Check it out!