The means-extremes property of proportions allows you to cross multiply, taking the product of the means and setting them equal to the product of the extremes. This property comes in handy when you're trying to solve a proportion. Watch this tutorial to learn more!
Solving equations can be tough, especially if you've forgotten or have trouble understanding the tools at your disposal. One of those tools is the multiplication property of equality, and it lets you multiply both sides of an equation by the same number. Watch the video to see it in action!
The idea of proportions is that a ratio can be written in many ways and still be equal to the same value. That's why proportions are actually equations with equal ratios. This is a bit of a tricky definition, so make sure to watch the tutorial!
A proportion is just an equation where two ratios are equal, and each piece of the proportion has a special name. This tutorial will teach you those names, and this will help you understand cross multiplication when you learn it later!
Want to solve a percent proportion? Just use the means extremes property of proportions to cross multiply! Solve for the variable, and you have your answer! Learn how with this tutorial.