Popular Tutorials in Write, read, and evaluate expressions in which letters stand for numbers.

    • How Do You Evaluate an Algebraic Expression by Plugging In Values?How Do You Evaluate an Algebraic Expression by Plugging In Values?

    How Do You Evaluate an Algebraic Expression by Plugging In Values?

    Sometimes you have an algebraic expression with variables, and you know the values of those variables exactly, and you just need to plug in those values and get the value of the expression. Well, if that's what you have to do, then you've come to the right place, because this tutorial will show you exactly how to do it!

    • How Do You Turn a Verbal Phrase into a Two-Step Algebraic Expression?How Do You Turn a Verbal Phrase into a Two-Step Algebraic Expression?

    How Do You Turn a Verbal Phrase into a Two-Step Algebraic Expression?

    If you're turning a verbal phrase into math terms, start out by looking for key words that can help you start writing the mathematical expression. Follow along with this tutorial to see an example of writing a verbal phrase as math!

    • How Do You Translate a Phrase with One Variable and Number Into a Mathematical Expression?How Do You Translate a Phrase with One Variable and Number Into a Mathematical Expression?

    How Do You Translate a Phrase with One Variable and Number Into a Mathematical Expression?

    Need some practice translating phrases into mathematical expressions? Then this tutorial is for you! You'll get practice translating statements involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division into mathematical expressions.

    • How Do You Evaluate an Algebraic Expression?How Do You Evaluate an Algebraic Expression?

    How Do You Evaluate an Algebraic Expression?

    Plugging variables into an expression is essential for solving many algebra problems. See how to plug in variable values by watching this tutorial.

    • What is a Variable?What is a Variable?

    What is a Variable?

    You can't do algebra without working with variables, but variables can be confusing. If you've ever wondered what variables are, then this tutorial is for you!

    • What Are Some Words You Can Use To Write Word Problems?What Are Some Words You Can Use To Write Word Problems?

    What Are Some Words You Can Use To Write Word Problems?

    Knowing the mathematical meaning of words allows you to decipher word problems and gives you the power to write your own word problems, too! Take a look at these words and learn their mathematical translations.

    • What's the Order of Operations?What's the Order of Operations?

    What's the Order of Operations?

    Check out this tutorial where you'll see exactly what order you need to follow when you simplify expressions. You'll also see what happens when you don't follow these rules, and you'll find out why order of operations is so important!

    • What's a Coefficient?What's a Coefficient?

    What's a Coefficient?

    There is a bunch of vocabulary that you just need to know when it comes to algebra, and coefficient is one of the key words that you have to feel 100% comfortable with. Check out the tutorial and let us know if you want to learn more about coefficients!

    • What's a Term?What's a Term?

    What's a Term?

    Polynomials are those expressions that have variables raised to all sorts of powers and multiplied by all types of numbers. When you work with polynomials you need to know a bit of vocabulary, and one of the words you need to feel comfortable with is 'term'. So check out this tutorial, where you'll learn exactly what a 'term' in a polynomial is all about.

    • How Do You Simplify an Expression Using the Order of Operations?How Do You Simplify an Expression Using the Order of Operations?

    How Do You Simplify an Expression Using the Order of Operations?

    You can't simplify an expression without fully understanding the order of operation! Follow along with this tutorial to see how to use the order of operations to simplify an expression.

    • How Do You Simplify an Expression Using the Order of Operations with Exponents?How Do You Simplify an Expression Using the Order of Operations with Exponents?

    How Do You Simplify an Expression Using the Order of Operations with Exponents?

    If you have an expression with more than one operation, you can use the order of operations to help you simplify! Follow along with this tutorial to see how to use the order of operations to simplify an expression.

    • How Do You Evaluate an Algebraic Expression with One Variable?How Do You Evaluate an Algebraic Expression with One Variable?

    How Do You Evaluate an Algebraic Expression with One Variable?

    If you have a value for a variable in an expression, you can evaluate that expression by plugging in that variable value and simplifying! Follow along with this tutorial to see the entire step-by-step process.

    • How Do You Evaluate an Algebraic Expression with Two Variables?How Do You Evaluate an Algebraic Expression with Two Variables?

    How Do You Evaluate an Algebraic Expression with Two Variables?

    If you have an expression with two variables and you're given the values for those variables, you can plug those values into the expression and simplify to get the answer! This tutorial shows you the steps to plugging variable values into an expression and simplifying.

    • How Do You Complete a Table By Plugging in Values?How Do You Complete a Table By Plugging in Values?

    How Do You Complete a Table By Plugging in Values?

    Learning how to complete a table of values is a building block of math. You can use a table to see a pattern or even make a graph! This tutorial shows you how to complete a table when you're given an expression and multiple values to plug in.

    • What is a Factor?What is a Factor?

    What is a Factor?

    The term 'factor' is seen a lot in math, so it's important to know what it means. This tutorial introduces you to that term!

    • How Do You Determine Which Operations to Use in a Word Problem?How Do You Determine Which Operations to Use in a Word Problem?

    How Do You Determine Which Operations to Use in a Word Problem?

    Turning a word problem into a math problem you can solve can be tricky. Luckily, there's some key words to look out for in a word problem that help tell you what math operation to use! This tutorial shows you some of these key words to look for in a word problem.

    • How Do You Translate Phrases into Numerical Expressions?How Do You Translate Phrases into Numerical Expressions?

    How Do You Translate Phrases into Numerical Expressions?

    Turning a phrase from words to a math problem can be tricky, but practice can make this process easier! In this tutorial, you'll see how to look for key words that can help you translate a phrase into math.

    • What Are Numerical and Algebraic Expressions?What Are Numerical and Algebraic Expressions?

    What Are Numerical and Algebraic Expressions?

    An expression is just a mathematical phrase. In this tutorial, you'll learn about two popular types of expressions: numerical and algebraic expressions. A numerical expression contains numbers and operations. An algebraic expression is almost exactly the same except it also contains variables. Check out this tutorial to learn about these two popular kinds of expressions!

    • What is the Substitution Property of Equality?What is the Substitution Property of Equality?

    What is the Substitution Property of Equality?

    If you ever plug a value in for a variable into an expression or equation, you're using the Substitution Property of Equality. This property allows you to substitute quantities for each other into an expression as long as those quantities are equal. Watch this tutorial to learn about this useful property!

    • How Do You Convert a Temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit?How Do You Convert a Temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit?

    How Do You Convert a Temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit?

    The weatherman said it's going to be 15 degrees Celsius tomorrow. Do you need a coat or not? Knowing the temperature in Fahrenheit might help. This tutorial shows you how to perform that conversion!

    • How Do You Convert a Temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius?How Do You Convert a Temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius?

    How Do You Convert a Temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius?

    Did you know that many countries use Celsius to talk about temperature? When you have a temperature in Fahrenheit, it's helpful to know what that temperature is in Celsius. This tutorial shows you how to perform that conversion!

    • How Do You Evaluate an Expression with Exponents?How Do You Evaluate an Expression with Exponents?

    How Do You Evaluate an Expression with Exponents?

    Need to plug in a variable value into an expression? Great! Does the expression have an exponent in it? Even better! Follow along with this tutorial as you see how to simplify an expression for a given variable value.