If you want to multiply a decimal by a whole number, just ignore the decimal point and multiply like normal! Then, bring the decimal point back for the answer. This tutorial shows you the entire process step-by-step.
Multiplication is a building block of math, so it's important to be comfortable with it! This tutorial gives you practice multiplying a one digit number by a two digit number.
Have you ever looked at the price of something? It's usually given as a decimal! Decimals are a very helpful part of math and can be found in may places in the real world. Watch this tutorial to learn all about decimals!
When you multiply a decimal and a whole number, removing the decimal point can make multiplying easier, but where does the decimal point go when you want to get your answer? In this tutorial, you'll see how to estimate the location of the decimal point after you multiply!
Doing math with paper and pencil can come in real handy, so make sure you're comfortable multiplying decimals by hand. After all, you don't want the calculator to be a crutch!