Popular Tutorials in Understand the place value system.

    • How Do You Find the Value of a Digit in a Whole Number?How Do You Find the Value of a Digit in a Whole Number?

    How Do You Find the Value of a Digit in a Whole Number?

    Understanding place value is a building block of understanding numbers. Follow along with this tutorial to see how to find the value of a digit for a given number!

    • What is Place Value for Whole Numbers?What is Place Value for Whole Numbers?

    What is Place Value for Whole Numbers?

    Place value is a building block of numbers. Without place value, we couldn't keep all our numbers straight! This tutorial introduces place value and shows you the parts of a place value chart.

    • How Do You Round a Decimal Using a Number Line?How Do You Round a Decimal Using a Number Line?

    How Do You Round a Decimal Using a Number Line?

    Rounding is an important part of math! In this tutorial, you'll see how to use a number line to help you round a decimal to a chosen place value.

    • How Do You Order Fractions and Decimals From Greatest to Least?How Do You Order Fractions and Decimals From Greatest to Least?

    How Do You Order Fractions and Decimals From Greatest to Least?

    If you want to compare different types of numbers, start by converting all of them to one type of number! This tutorial shows you an example of this involving fractions and decimals!

    • How Do You Round a Decimal to a Given Place Value?How Do You Round a Decimal to a Given Place Value?

    How Do You Round a Decimal to a Given Place Value?

    Sometimes, decimals are so long that you need a way to estimate the value of the decimal. Other times, you may only need a certain amount of exactness to get your answer. This is where rounding decimals to a chosen place can be very helpful! Watch this tutorial to learn how to round a decimal to a chosen place.

    • What is Place Value?What is Place Value?

    What is Place Value?

    Did you know numbers have place values? This tutorial introduces you to the term place value and shows you some of the most seen place values. Take a look!