Being able to find multiples of a number is important, especially if you want to find the least common multiple (LCM) between numbers. In this tutorial, you'll be introduced to the term multiple. You'll also see how to find multiples of a given number!
Combining integers? You could use a number line to help find the answer! In this tutorial, see how to use a number line to add together integers with the same sign and ones with opposite signs. Take a look!
This tutorial gives you some practice finding a common denominator and the least common denominator of three fractions. There's only one least common denominator, but there are many common denominators. This tutorial gives you one. Can you find another?
Sometimes terms in math do a pretty good job of describing the thing they name. This is the case with common multiple and least common multiple (LCM). A common multiple is a multiple that two or more numbers have in common. You can probably guess what a least common multiple is! To get more information about these terms, check out this tutorial!