This tutorial gives you some practice finding a common denominator and the least common denominator of three fractions. There's only one least common denominator, but there are many common denominators. This tutorial gives you one. Can you find another?
Fractions come in all sorts of flavors, and in this tutorial you'll learn how to recognize mixed numbers.
Fractions come in all sorts of flavors, and in this tutorial you'll learn how to recognize improper fractions.
Multiplying a whole number and a fraction can be confusing, but this tutorial helps to sort things out. Check it out!
Have you ever looked at the price of something? It's usually given as a decimal! Decimals are a very helpful part of math and can be found in may places in the real world. Watch this tutorial to learn all about decimals!
Sometimes fractions can be easier to work with if they're in their decimal form. This tutorial shows you how to turn a fraction into a decimal with a few simple steps!
You can turn a decimal into a fraction with a few simple steps! Follow along with this tutorial to learn how to write a decimal as a fraction!
It's important to know how to make equivalent fractions. In this tutorial, you'll see how to create an equivalent fraction when you have a fraction and the denominator of an equivalent fraction!
When you get a fraction as an answer, you're usually asked to write it in its simplest form. This tutorial shows you how to use the GCF of the numerator and denominator to fully simplify a fraction!
Are you ever asked to put your fraction answer into simplest form? Wonder what 'simplest form' means? This tutorial explores exactly that! Take a look at what a fraction needs in order to be in simplest form.
If you want to add fractions together, first make sure the fractions have the same denominator. If they do, then just add to numerators together to get the sum of the fractions! Follow along with this tutorial to see this process step-by-step.
To subtract fractions with the same denominators, just subtract the numerators! Follow along with this tutorial to see an example of subtracting fraction with the same denominators.
Ordering fractions from least to greatest? Don't have common denominators? You could find the least common denominator (LCD) of the fractions and write equivalent fractions with this LCD. Then, compare the numerators to figure out their order from least to greatest! This tutorial shows you how!
Ordering fractions from least to greatest? Don't have common denominators? Find a common denominator by multiplying the denominators together. Use that common denominator to create equivalent fractions. Then, compare the numerators to figure out which is bigger! This tutorial shows you how!
Finding equivalent fractions is an important part of things like adding, subtracting, and comparing fractions. But what are they? In this tutorial, you'll learn that equivalent fractions are just fractions that have the same value, even though they may look very different! Take a look at equivalent fractions by watching this tutorial!
Adding mixed fractions? If they have common denominators, then you can add the whole numbers and fractions separately. In this tutorial, take a look at adding together mixed fractions!
Subtracting mixed fractions? If they have common denominators, then you can subtract the whole numbers and fractions separately. In this tutorial, take a look at subtracting mixed fractions!
Adding mixed fractions? You could first convert each to an improper fraction. If they have common denominators, then you could add the fractions together, simplify, and convert the answer back to a mixed fraction. In this tutorial, take a look at adding together mixed fractions!