Types of Numbers

Popular Tutorials in Types of Numbers

    • How Do You Solve an Identity Equation?How Do You Solve an Identity Equation?

    How Do You Solve an Identity Equation?

    Trying to solve an equation with variables on both sides of the equation? Figure out how to get those variables together and solve the equation with this tutorial!

    • What are Natural and Whole Numbers?What are Natural and Whole Numbers?

    What are Natural and Whole Numbers?

    The natural numbers are also called the counting numbers. The whole numbers are almost exactly as the natural numbers the same except for one small difference! Watch this tutorial and learn the difference between natural and whole numbers.

    • How Do Different Categories of Numbers Compare To Each Other?How Do Different Categories of Numbers Compare To Each Other?

    How Do Different Categories of Numbers Compare To Each Other?

    There are a bunch of different categories of numbers such as the rational numbers, the natural numbers, and the integers, just to name a few. See how they all relate to one another by watching this tutorial!

    • What's an Irrational Number?What's an Irrational Number?

    What's an Irrational Number?

    Is an irrational number just a way to describe a number that's lost its mind? Not really. :) An irrational number is simply a number that cannot be written as a fraction. Check out the definition, learn an important property of these special numbers, and take a look at some examples of irrational numbers.

    • What's a Real Number?What's a Real Number?

    What's a Real Number?

    Real numbers are numbers that can be found on the number line. This includes both the rational and irrational numbers. This tutorial explains real numbers and gives some great examples. Take a look!

    • How Do You Graph a Set on a Number Line?How Do You Graph a Set on a Number Line?

    How Do You Graph a Set on a Number Line?

    Number lines are great ways to represent a group of numbers, and in this tutorial you'll see how to graph a group of numbers on a number line

    • What's a Rational Number?What's a Rational Number?

    What's a Rational Number?

    There are lots of different kind of numbers that you should know about, and that includes rational numbers. Check out the tutorial!

    • What's an Integer?What's an Integer?

    What's an Integer?

    There are lots of different kinds of numbers that you'll come across in algebra, and a lot of these kinds of numbers are related to each other. Before you learn how they are related, you've got to learn about them separately, and in this tutorial you'll how to define integers :)

    • What's Another Definition for an Integer?What's Another Definition for an Integer?

    What's Another Definition for an Integer?

    Integers are everywhere in math, so it's important to know what an integer is. This tutorial explains this special type of number so that you can identify one when you see it! Sometimes, a number is an integer even though it doesn't look like one. Watch this tutorial to see how to identify those too!

    • How Do You Put Real Numbers in Order?How Do You Put Real Numbers in Order?

    How Do You Put Real Numbers in Order?

    Ordering numbers from least to greatest? Are the numbers in different forms? To make comparing easier, convert all the numbers to decimals. Then, plot those decimals on a number line and compare them! This tutorial shows you how!