The quotient property of square roots if very useful when you're trying to take the square root of a fraction. This property allows you to split the square root between the numerator and denominator of the fraction. This tutorial introduces you to the quotient property of square roots. Take a look!
Numerators and denominators are the key ingredients that make fractions, so if you want to work with fractions, you have to know what numerators and denominators are. Lucky for you, this tutorial will teach you some great tricks for remembering what numerators and denominators are all about.
Why can't you divide by 0? This may be one of the most asked math questions. Get this question answered once and for all by watching this tutorial!
Did you know that another word for 'exponent' is 'power'? To learn the meaning of these words and to see some special cases involving exponents, check out this tutorial!
To write the prime factorization for a number, it's often useful to use something called a factor tree. Follow along with this tutorial and see how to use a factor tree to find the prime factorization of a given number.
When you have a fraction with a radical in the denominator, you need to get that radical out of the denominator in order to simplify that fraction. That means you need to rationalize the denominator! In this tutorial, see how to rationalize the denominator in order to simplify a fraction.
When you have a fraction with a radical in the denominator, you need to get that radical out of the denominator in order to simplify that fraction. That means you need to rationalize the denominator! In this tutorial, see how to rationalize the denominator in order to simplify a fraction.