One of the many ways you can solve a quadratic equation is by using the quadratic formula. The quadratic formula is usually chosen when the other methods won't work or are difficult to use. In this tutorial, see how to solve a quadratic equation using the quadratic formula!
Plugging variables into an expression is essential for solving many algebra problems. See how to plug in variable values by watching this tutorial.
How do you combine a positive and a negative number? This tutorial shows you how. You even get to see it explained with a number line!
If you're trying to simplify some math expressions, you have to do it in the right order. If you've ever wondered how to do that, check out this example tutorial where you'll see exactly what order you need to follow:)
When you're dealing with quadratic equations, it can be really helpful to identify a, b, and c. These values are used to find the axis of symmetry, the discriminant, and even the roots using the quadratic formula. It's no question that it's important to know how to identify these values in a quadratic equation. This tutorial shows you how!
If you're solving quadratic equations, knowing the quadratic formula is a MUST! This formula is normally used when no other methods for solving quadratics can be reasonably used. In this tutorial, learn about the quadratic formula and see it used to solve a quadratic equation. Take a look!
One of the many ways you can solve a quadratic equation is by graphing it and seeing where it crosses the x-axis. Follow along as this tutorial shows you how to graph a quadratic equation to find the solution. Check it out!