In a quadratic equation, the discriminant helps tell you how many real solutions a quadratic equation has. In this tutorial, see how to find the discriminant of a quadratic equation and use it to determine the number of solutions!
Plugging variables into an expression is essential for solving many algebra problems. See how to plug in variable values by watching this tutorial.
When you're dealing with quadratic equations, it can be really helpful to identify a, b, and c. These values are used to find the axis of symmetry, the discriminant, and even the roots using the quadratic formula. It's no question that it's important to know how to identify these values in a quadratic equation. This tutorial shows you how!
You can't go through algebra without seeing quadratic equations. The graphs of quadratic equations are parabolas; they tend to look like a smile or a frown. There's also a bunch of ways to solve these equations! Watch this tutorial and get introduced to quadratic equations!
In a quadratic equation, the discriminant helps tell you the number of real solutions to a quadratic equation. The expression used to find the discriminant is the expression located under the radical in the quadratic formula! In this tutorial, get introduced to the discriminant of a quadratic equation!
In a quadratic equation, the discriminant helps tell you the number of real solutions to a quadratic equation. In this tutorial, see how to find the discriminant of a quadratic equation and use it to determine the number of solutions!