Factoring Trinomials

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Popular Tutorials in Factoring Trinomials

    • How Do You Factor a Trinomial?How Do You Factor a Trinomial?

    How Do You Factor a Trinomial?

    Factoring trinomials can by tricky, but this tutorial can help! Follow along as a trinomial is factored right before your eyes! Then, check your answer by using the FOIL method to multiply the binomials back together and see if you get the original trinomial.

    • How Do You Factor a Polynomial by Guessing and Checking?How Do You Factor a Polynomial by Guessing and Checking?

    How Do You Factor a Polynomial by Guessing and Checking?

    Factoring trinomials can by tricky, but this tutorial can help! Follow along as a trinomial is factored using the guess and check method. What, no possibilities work? The trinomial must be prime! Watch this tutorial and see what happens!

    • How Do You Factor a Polynomial Using the A-C Method?How Do You Factor a Polynomial Using the A-C Method?

    How Do You Factor a Polynomial Using the A-C Method?

    Factoring trinomials can by tricky, but this tutorial can help! See how to use the A-C method to factor a trinomial into the product of two binomials. Then, use the FOIL method to multiply the two binomial back together to check your answer.

    • How Do You Find a Missing Term in a Polynomial?How Do You Find a Missing Term in a Polynomial?

    How Do You Find a Missing Term in a Polynomial?

    This tutorial gives a more challenging example of factoring a trinomial. Test your skills by following along to find possible values that will allow the trinomial to be factored. You can do it!

    • How Do You Find All the Possible Factors of a Trinomial?How Do You Find All the Possible Factors of a Trinomial?

    How Do You Find All the Possible Factors of a Trinomial?

    When factoring a trinomial into the product of two binomials, it's sometimes good to know all the possibilities. This tutorial uses the guess and check method to do just that! Take a look!

    • How Do You Figure Out a Template for Factoring a Trinomial?How Do You Figure Out a Template for Factoring a Trinomial?

    How Do You Figure Out a Template for Factoring a Trinomial?

    Did you know that when you're factoring a trinomial, the signs in the trinomial determine the signs in the product of the binomials? This information is really useful when you're factoring trinomials! Watch this tutorial and learn the different sign cases.