Sometimes the hardest part of a word problem is figuring out how to turn the words into an equation you can solve. This tutorial let's you see the steps to take in order to turn a word problem involving a blueprint into a proportion. Take a look!
Want to solve a percent proportion? Just use the means extremes property of proportions to cross multiply! Solve for the variable, and you have your answer! Learn how with this tutorial.
This tutorial provides a great real world application of math. You'll see how to use the scale from a blueprint of a house to help find the actual height of the house. This tutorial shows you how to use a proportion to solve!
Ratios are used to compare numbers. When you're working with ratios, it's sometimes easier to work with an equivalent ratio. Equivalent ratios have different numbers but represent the same relationship. In this tutorial, you'll see how to find equivalent ratios by first writing the given ratio as a fraction. Take a look!
Ratios are proportional if they represent the same relationship. One way to see if two ratios are proportional is to write them as fractions and then reduce them. If the reduced fractions are the same, your ratios are proportional. To see this process in action, check out this tutorial!
Sometimes the hardest part of a word problem is figuring out how to turn the words into a math problem. In this tutorial, you'll see how to take the information given in a word problem and write a ratio. Then, reduce the ratio and explain its meaning. See it all in this tutorial!
Trying to find a missing value in order to create a proportion with two ratios? Take the ratios in fraction form and identify their relationship. Use that relationship to find your missing value. This tutorial will show you how!
Trying to find a missing value in a ratio to create proportional ratios? You could use the multiplication property of equality! In this tutorial, see how to use this property to find a missing value in a ratio. Take a look!