More Specific Topics in Variables and Expressions

Popular Tutorials in Variables and Expressions

    • How Do You Evaluate an Algebraic Expression by Plugging In Values?How Do You Evaluate an Algebraic Expression by Plugging In Values?

    How Do You Evaluate an Algebraic Expression by Plugging In Values?

    Sometimes you have an algebraic expression with variables, and you know the values of those variables exactly, and you just need to plug in those values and get the value of the expression. Well, if that's what you have to do, then you've come to the right place, because this tutorial will show you exactly how to do it!

    • How Do You Turn a Verbal Phrase into a Two-Step Algebraic Expression?How Do You Turn a Verbal Phrase into a Two-Step Algebraic Expression?

    How Do You Turn a Verbal Phrase into a Two-Step Algebraic Expression?

    If you're turning a verbal phrase into math terms, start out by looking for key words that can help you start writing the mathematical expression. Follow along with this tutorial to see an example of writing a verbal phrase as math!

    • How Do You Solve a Word Problem by Writing an Equation and Plugging in Values?How Do You Solve a Word Problem by Writing an Equation and Plugging in Values?

    How Do You Solve a Word Problem by Writing an Equation and Plugging in Values?

    Setting up and solving an equation from a word problem can be tricky, but this tutorial can help. See all the steps, from defining variables to getting that final answer, and everything in between! With this tutorial, you'll learn what it takes to solve a word problem.

    • How Do You Translate a Phrase with One Variable and Number Into a Mathematical Expression?How Do You Translate a Phrase with One Variable and Number Into a Mathematical Expression?

    How Do You Translate a Phrase with One Variable and Number Into a Mathematical Expression?

    Need some practice translating phrases into mathematical expressions? Then this tutorial is for you! You'll get practice translating statements involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division into mathematical expressions.

    • How Do You Write an Equation from a Word Problem?How Do You Write an Equation from a Word Problem?

    How Do You Write an Equation from a Word Problem?

    Having difficulty turning a word problem into an algebra equation? Then this tutorial is for you! With this tutorial, you'll learn how to break down word problems and translate them into mathematical equations.

    • How Do You Evaluate an Algebraic Expression?How Do You Evaluate an Algebraic Expression?

    How Do You Evaluate an Algebraic Expression?

    Plugging variables into an expression is essential for solving many algebra problems. See how to plug in variable values by watching this tutorial.

    • What is a Variable?What is a Variable?

    What is a Variable?

    You can't do algebra without working with variables, but variables can be confusing. If you've ever wondered what variables are, then this tutorial is for you!

    • What Are Some Words You Can Use To Write Word Problems?What Are Some Words You Can Use To Write Word Problems?

    What Are Some Words You Can Use To Write Word Problems?

    Knowing the mathematical meaning of words allows you to decipher word problems and gives you the power to write your own word problems, too! Take a look at these words and learn their mathematical translations.

    • How Do You Turn a Longer Verbal Phrase into an Algebraic Expression?How Do You Turn a Longer Verbal Phrase into an Algebraic Expression?

    How Do You Turn a Longer Verbal Phrase into an Algebraic Expression?

    Looking for some practice translating words into a mathematical expression? Then take a look at this tutorial, and you'll learn how to break down those words and write the mathematical expression they describe!

    • How Do You Turn a Simple Equation into Words?How Do You Turn a Simple Equation into Words?

    How Do You Turn a Simple Equation into Words?

    Get creative with math by turning a mathematical equation into a story. This tutorial shows you one example, but the possibilities are endless! Test your creativity by writing your own story to describe the given mathematical equation.

    • How Do You Turn a Simple Expression into Words?How Do You Turn a Simple Expression into Words?

    How Do You Turn a Simple Expression into Words?

    Being able to translate words into a mathematical expression is an important skill, but being able to go the other way is just as crucial. This tutorial shows you how a mathematical expression can be turned into words.

    • How Do You Turn a More Complicated Equation into Words?How Do You Turn a More Complicated Equation into Words?

    How Do You Turn a More Complicated Equation into Words?

    Let your creativity go wild by turning a mathematical equation into a story! Watch this tutorial to see one example, and then write your own story to describe the given equation. See how creative you can get with math!

    • How Do You Turn a More Complicated Expression into Words?How Do You Turn a More Complicated Expression into Words?

    How Do You Turn a More Complicated Expression into Words?

    This tutorial shows you how a mathematical expression can be turned into words. The best part? You can be super creative with the statement you make up! Check out the example statement created in this tutorial, and then make up your own!

    • What is a Constant?What is a Constant?

    What is a Constant?

    Constants are parts of algebraic expressions that don't change. Check out this tutorial to see exactly what a constant looks like and why it doesn't change.

    • What Are Numerical and Algebraic Expressions?What Are Numerical and Algebraic Expressions?

    What Are Numerical and Algebraic Expressions?

    An expression is just a mathematical phrase. In this tutorial, you'll learn about two popular types of expressions: numerical and algebraic expressions. A numerical expression contains numbers and operations. An algebraic expression is almost exactly the same except it also contains variables. Check out this tutorial to learn about these two popular kinds of expressions!

    • What is the Substitution Property of Equality?What is the Substitution Property of Equality?

    What is the Substitution Property of Equality?

    If you ever plug a value in for a variable into an expression or equation, you're using the Substitution Property of Equality. This property allows you to substitute quantities for each other into an expression as long as those quantities are equal. Watch this tutorial to learn about this useful property!