Real Number Types and Properties

More Specific Topics in Real Number Types and Properties

Popular Tutorials in Real Number Types and Properties

    • What are the Multiplication Properties of 0 and -1?What are the Multiplication Properties of 0 and -1?

    What are the Multiplication Properties of 0 and -1?

    Understanding the multiplication properties of 0 and -1 are fundamental building blocks in learning all there is to know about the operation of multiplication. In this tutorial, you'll learn about these two important properties.

    • What are the Inverse Properties of Addition and Multiplication?What are the Inverse Properties of Addition and Multiplication?

    What are the Inverse Properties of Addition and Multiplication?

    Inverse properties of addition and multiplication got you stumped? This tutorial should help! Check it out and learn these two important inverse properties.

    • How Do You Find the Absolute Value of Positive and Negative Numbers?How Do You Find the Absolute Value of Positive and Negative Numbers?

    How Do You Find the Absolute Value of Positive and Negative Numbers?

    Finding the absolute value of a number is a breeze when you use a number line! Remember, absolute value is the distance from zero on the number line. This tutorial shows you how to use a number line to find absolute value.

    • What are the Commutative Properties of Addition and Multiplication?What are the Commutative Properties of Addition and Multiplication?

    What are the Commutative Properties of Addition and Multiplication?

    The commutative property is a fundamental building block of math, but it only works for addition and multiplication. This tutorial defines the commutative property and provides examples of how to use it.

    • What are the Identity Properties of Addition and Multiplication?What are the Identity Properties of Addition and Multiplication?

    What are the Identity Properties of Addition and Multiplication?

    Let's identify an identity! Addition and subtraction have a different identity than multiplication and division. Learn about each of these identities with this tutorial!

    • What are Natural and Whole Numbers?What are Natural and Whole Numbers?

    What are Natural and Whole Numbers?

    The natural numbers are also called the counting numbers. The whole numbers are almost exactly as the natural numbers the same except for one small difference! Watch this tutorial and learn the difference between natural and whole numbers.

    • How Do Different Categories of Numbers Compare To Each Other?How Do Different Categories of Numbers Compare To Each Other?

    How Do Different Categories of Numbers Compare To Each Other?

    There are a bunch of different categories of numbers such as the rational numbers, the natural numbers, and the integers, just to name a few. See how they all relate to one another by watching this tutorial!

    • How Do You Use the Associative Property?How Do You Use the Associative Property?

    How Do You Use the Associative Property?

    Learning the associative property of addition is one thing, but being able to use it can be a completely different challenge. In this tutorial, you'll see how to put this very useful property into action.

    • What are the Associative Properties of Addition and Multiplication?What are the Associative Properties of Addition and Multiplication?

    What are the Associative Properties of Addition and Multiplication?

    The associative property is one of those fundamental properties of math that make math work. You probably take this property for granted because it's so ingrained, but it's important to see how the guts of math work, so check out the tutorial and make sure you're solid on your fundamentals!

    • What's an Irrational Number?What's an Irrational Number?

    What's an Irrational Number?

    Is an irrational number just a way to describe a number that's lost its mind? Not really. :) An irrational number is simply a number that cannot be written as a fraction. Check out the definition, learn an important property of these special numbers, and take a look at some examples of irrational numbers.

    • What's a Real Number?What's a Real Number?

    What's a Real Number?

    Real numbers are numbers that can be found on the number line. This includes both the rational and irrational numbers. This tutorial explains real numbers and gives some great examples. Take a look!

    • What Does Absolute Value Mean?What Does Absolute Value Mean?

    What Does Absolute Value Mean?

    In this tutorial you'll see how you can think of absolute value in a very intuitive way. Let us know if you have any questions about it!

    • What's a Prime Number?What's a Prime Number?

    What's a Prime Number?

    Prime numbers aren't too hard to define, but they still puzzle professional mathematicians. Believe it or not, all over the word computers are chugging away, trying to find the next biggest prime! Bigger and bigger prime numbers help keep your credit card info safe through really cool encryption techniques. So prime numbers really matter every day, and you can learn how they are defined in this tutorial.

    • What's a Rational Number?What's a Rational Number?

    What's a Rational Number?

    There are lots of different kind of numbers that you should know about, and that includes rational numbers. Check out the tutorial!

    • What's an Integer?What's an Integer?

    What's an Integer?

    There are lots of different kinds of numbers that you'll come across in algebra, and a lot of these kinds of numbers are related to each other. Before you learn how they are related, you've got to learn about them separately, and in this tutorial you'll how to define integers :)

    • What are Consecutive Numbers?What are Consecutive Numbers?

    What are Consecutive Numbers?

    Consecutive numbers are numbers in counting order. They tend to come up in words problems. Take a look at this tutorial to learn all about consecutive numbers!

    • What's Another Definition for an Integer?What's Another Definition for an Integer?

    What's Another Definition for an Integer?

    Integers are everywhere in math, so it's important to know what an integer is. This tutorial explains this special type of number so that you can identify one when you see it! Sometimes, a number is an integer even though it doesn't look like one. Watch this tutorial to see how to identify those too!

    • What's Another Definition for Prime and Composite Numbers?What's Another Definition for Prime and Composite Numbers?

    What's Another Definition for Prime and Composite Numbers?

    If the only factors a number are 1 and itself, then that number is prime. A number that is not prime is called composite. Learn about prime and composite numbers by watching this tutorial!

    • What Does Absolute Value Mean In the Real World?What Does Absolute Value Mean In the Real World?

    What Does Absolute Value Mean In the Real World?

    You may know how to calculate the absolute value of a number, but what are you really finding? This tutorial uses a real world example to help you gain a better understanding of absolute value.