Got a word problem where you're comparing fractions? No sweat! See how to translate a word problem into a mathematical expression, simplify it, and compare the resulting fractions using the cross products. This tutorial lays it all out step-by-step!
Working with mixed fractions in equations can be tough, but things get easier if you convert them into improper fractions first. Once you learn this skill, you'll find yourself using it all the time, so take look at how to convert a mixed fraction to an improper fraction.
Fractions come in all sorts of flavors, and in this tutorial you'll learn how to recognize mixed numbers.
Fractions come in all sorts of flavors, and in this tutorial you'll learn how to recognize improper fractions.
Numerators and denominators are the key ingredients that make fractions, so if you want to work with fractions, you have to know what numerators and denominators are. Lucky for you, this tutorial will teach you some great tricks for remembering what numerators and denominators are all about.
Did you know that there are infinitely many rational numbers between two rational numbers? This tutorial shows you how to find one. Can you find another?
If you've ever been shopping and tried to figure out which deal is a better buy, then this tutorial is for you! See how it's done, and then use this skill the next time you're out shopping to find the best deal. You'll be glad you watched this tutorial!
Complex fractions are, well, complex. But if you watch this tutorial, you'll see how to make these complex fractions much simpler!
Ever wondered what makes complex fractions so complex? Check out this video tutorial and wonder no more :)
Complex fractions can be pretty complex. Luckily, you can simplify a complex fraction to make it much easier to work with. See how in this tutorial!
Working with word problems AND fractions? This tutorial shows you how to take a word problem and translate it into a mathematical equation involving a complex fraction. Then, you'll see how to simplify the complex fraction to get the answer. Check it out!
In math, it's often important to change a fraction from one type to another. It can help you work with the fraction in an equation or help make more sense of an answer. This tutorial shows you how to convert an improper fraction to a mixed fraction.
Fractions involving large numbers can be a handful, but sometimes these fractions can be reduced, taking those large numbers off your hands. This tutorial shows you how to reduce a fraction to its simplest form. Take a look!