
What is a Translation?

What is a translation?


  1. A translation is a type of transformation
  2. A translation moves each point of a figure the same distance in the same direction
  3. The figure resulting from the translation is called an image
  4. The image will have the same size, shape, and orientation as the original figure
  5. To translate a figure, take a few points from the figure and move each one in the direction you want to move the figure
  6. Then connect the dots to get the new figure


    1. The figure resulting for the translation is called an image
    2. The image of a translation will have the same size, shape, and orientation as the original figure, just a different position
    1. The resulting figure is called an 'image'
    1. The resulting figure is called an 'image'
    1. You can translate a figure this way by first moving each point down, and then to the right
    2. The resulting figure is called an 'image'