use geometry to solve problems

Popular Tutorials in use geometry to solve problems

    • How Do You Find the Length of a Leg of a Right Triangle?How Do You Find the Length of a Leg of a Right Triangle?

    How Do You Find the Length of a Leg of a Right Triangle?

    Finding the missing length of a side of a right triangle? If you have the other two side lengths, you can use the Pythagorean theorem to solve! Check out this tutorial and see how to use this really helpful theorem to find that missing side measurement!

    • What is the Converse of the Pythagorean Theorem?What is the Converse of the Pythagorean Theorem?

    What is the Converse of the Pythagorean Theorem?

    The converse of the Pythagorean Theorem is like the the Pythagorean Theorem in reverse. You can use it both forward and backward! Not all theorems work this way, but the Pythagorean Theorem does! This tutorial will show you how to use both the Pythagorean Theorem and its converse.

    • What Is the Distance Formula?What Is the Distance Formula?

    What Is the Distance Formula?

    If you need to find the distance between to points on the coordinate, you'll probably use the distance formula to get your answer. This tutorial introduces you to the distance formula and even shows you how to find it!

    • What is the Pythagorean Theorem?What is the Pythagorean Theorem?

    What is the Pythagorean Theorem?

    The Pythagorean theorem is a very popular theorem that shows a special relationship between the sides of a right triangle. In this tutorial, you'll get introduced to the Pythagorean theorem and see how it's used to solve for a missing length on a right triangle!

    • How Do You Solve an Equation with Variables on Both Sides?How Do You Solve an Equation with Variables on Both Sides?

    How Do You Solve an Equation with Variables on Both Sides?

    Trying to solve an equation with variables on both sides of the equal sign? Figure out how to get those variables together and find the answer with this tutorial!

    • How Do You Solve an Inequality With Variables on Both Sides?How Do You Solve an Inequality With Variables on Both Sides?

    How Do You Solve an Inequality With Variables on Both Sides?

    Solving an inequality for a variable? Just perform the order of operations in reverse! Don't forget that if you multiply or divide by a negative number, you MUST flip the sign of the inequality! That's one of the big differences between solving equalities and solving inequalities.

    • How Do You Solve a Two-Step Equation?How Do You Solve a Two-Step Equation?

    How Do You Solve a Two-Step Equation?

    Becoming a pro at solving equations takes practice! Follow along with this tutorial to see an example of solving an equation for a variable.

    • What is the Formula for the Volume of a Cylinder?What is the Formula for the Volume of a Cylinder?

    What is the Formula for the Volume of a Cylinder?

    Did you know that you can use the formula for the area of a circle to find the formula for the volume of a cylinder? In this tutorial, you'll see how to do just that! Watch this tutorial to learn about the formula for the volume of a cylinder.

    • What is the Formula for the Volume of a Cone?What is the Formula for the Volume of a Cone?

    What is the Formula for the Volume of a Cone?

    Looking for the formula for the volume of a cone? Then check out this tutorial! You'll learn about the formula for the volume of a cone and see how to use the formula in an example. Take a look!

    • What is the Formula for the Volume of a Sphere?What is the Formula for the Volume of a Sphere?

    What is the Formula for the Volume of a Sphere?

    Trying to find the formula for the volume of a sphere? Then check out this tutorial! You'll see how to use a cylinder with the same dimensions to find the formula for the volume of a sphere. Take a look!

    • What is the Formula for the Surface Area of a Prism?What is the Formula for the Surface Area of a Prism?

    What is the Formula for the Surface Area of a Prism?

    To find the lateral and surface areas of a prism, it’s important to know their formulas. In this tutorial, you’ll learn about each of these formulas and see them used in an example. Check it out!

    • What is the Formula for the Surface Area of a Cylinder?What is the Formula for the Surface Area of a Cylinder?

    What is the Formula for the Surface Area of a Cylinder?

    To find the lateral and surface areas of a cylinder, it’s important to know their formulas. In this tutorial, you’ll learn about each of these formulas and see them used in an example. Check it out!