Definitions of Three-Dimensional Figures

Popular Tutorials in Definitions of Three-Dimensional Figures

    • What is a Prism?What is a Prism?

    What is a Prism?

    The term prism is a cool name for a special kind of three-dimensional solid. This tutorial defines the term prism and shows you how to name a prism using the shape of its bases. Check it out!

    • What is a Pyramid?What is a Pyramid?

    What is a Pyramid?

    You've probably seen pictures of Egyptian pyramids, or maybe you've even seen them in person! Those pyramids mostly have either triangular or rectangular bases, but did you know that there are other types of pyramids? In this tutorial, you'll see what a three-dimensional solid needs to be called a pyramid. You'll also see how to name these pyramids, so take a look!

    • What is a Solid?What is a Solid?

    What is a Solid?

    Understanding solids is a building block for finding their lateral area, surface area, and volume. In this tutorial, you'll see examples of solids and learn their different parts. Take a look!

    • What is a Sphere?What is a Sphere?

    What is a Sphere?

    Every played with a bouncy ball, a volleyball, a basketball, or a baseball? Those are all spheres! Check out this tutorial to see what defines a sphere and learn its different parts. Take a look!

    • What is a Cylinder?What is a Cylinder?

    What is a Cylinder?

    Soda cans, coffee cans, and some candles are just a few examples of cylinders. In this tutorial, you'll see what defines a cylinder. You'll also see the different parts of a cylinder. Take a look!

    • What is a Cone?What is a Cone?

    What is a Cone?

    Did you know that an ice cream cone is named for its shape? Many ice cream cones are actually cones! Check out this tutorial to see what defines a cone in math. You'll also see the different parts of a cone. Take a look!