Geometric Figures

Popular Tutorials in Geometric Figures

    • What are Similar Figures?What are Similar Figures?

    What are Similar Figures?

    Looking at two figures that are the same shape and have the same angle measurements? You have similar figures! Learn all about it in this tutorial!

    • What are Corresponding Parts in Similar Figures?What are Corresponding Parts in Similar Figures?

    What are Corresponding Parts in Similar Figures?

    Identifying corresponding parts in similar figures isn't so bad, but you have to know what you're looking for. This tutorial does a great job of explaining the corresponding parts of similar figures! Take a look!

    • What are the Endpoints of a Line Segment?What are the Endpoints of a Line Segment?

    What are the Endpoints of a Line Segment?

    A math term can really tell you a lot about the thing it's describing. Take the term 'endpoints'. The endpoints of a line segment are just the 'points' located at the 'ends' of the line segment! That's an informative name! Watch this tutorial to learn about endpoints of a line segment.

    • How do you Figure Out if Two Figures are Similar?How do you Figure Out if Two Figures are Similar?

    How do you Figure Out if Two Figures are Similar?

    Follow along with this tutorial to see an example of determining if two given figures are similar.

    • What is a Degree?What is a Degree?

    What is a Degree?

    Circles can't run a temperature, but they are an important part of degrees! Watch this tutorial to learn what a degree is and how it relates to a circle.

    • What are Intersecting Lines?What are Intersecting Lines?

    What are Intersecting Lines?

    When two roads cross, it's called an intersection! What about if two lines cross? Is that called an intersection too? This tutorial has the answer!

    • How Do You Use Complementary Angles to Find a Missing Angle?How Do You Use Complementary Angles to Find a Missing Angle?

    How Do You Use Complementary Angles to Find a Missing Angle?

    If two angles are complementary, that means that they add up to 90 degrees. This is very useful knowledge if you have a figure with complementary angles and you know the measurement of one of those angles. In this tutorial, see how to use what you know about complementary angles to find a missing angle measurement!

    • How Do You Use Supplementary Angles to Find a Missing Angle?How Do You Use Supplementary Angles to Find a Missing Angle?

    How Do You Use Supplementary Angles to Find a Missing Angle?

    If angles combine to form a straight angle, then those angles are called supplementary. In this tutorial, you'll see how to use your knowledge of supplementary angles to set up an equation and solve for a missing angle measurement. Take a look!

    • How Do You Classify Quadrilaterals?How Do You Classify Quadrilaterals?

    How Do You Classify Quadrilaterals?

    Got a figure with four sides? Then you have a quadrilateral! But there are many special types of quadrilateral. Follow along as this tutorial shows you how to figure out the possible names for a given quadrilateral!

    • How Do You Classify Triangles?How Do You Classify Triangles?

    How Do You Classify Triangles?

    Being able to classify triangles is an important skill. If you know what kind of triangle you're looking at, it's much easier to figure out how to solve for various sides and angles. Practice classifying triangles with this tutorial!

    • How Do You Find a Missing Angle in a Triangle?How Do You Find a Missing Angle in a Triangle?

    How Do You Find a Missing Angle in a Triangle?

    Trying to find a missing interior angle measurement in a triangle? Already know the other two interior angle measurements? Then you're set! Just remember that the interior angles of a triangle ALWAYS add up to 180 degrees. This tutorial shows you how to put this knowledge into an equation and solve to find that missing measurement!

    • How Do You Identify Corresponding Parts in Congruent Triangles?How Do You Identify Corresponding Parts in Congruent Triangles?

    How Do You Identify Corresponding Parts in Congruent Triangles?

    When you have two congruent figures, that means that corresponding sides and corresponding angles are congruent. Get some practice identifying corresponding sides and angles by following along with this tutorial!

    • What is a Rectangle?What is a Rectangle?

    What is a Rectangle?

    A rectangle is one of the many fundamental shapes you'll see in math. Rectangles have special properties that can be very useful in helping you solve a problem. This tutorial introduces you to rectangles and explains their interesting qualities!

    • What is a Triangle?What is a Triangle?

    What is a Triangle?

    You can't learn everything about math without dealing with triangles. Did you know that there are different types of triangles? Check out this tutorial, and learn about triangles and their different types!

    • What is a Parallelogram?What is a Parallelogram?

    What is a Parallelogram?

    A parallelogram is a special type of quadrilateral with some special properties. In this tutorial, take a look at parallelograms and learn what kinds of quadrilaterals can also be called parallelograms!

    • What is a Trapezoid?What is a Trapezoid?

    What is a Trapezoid?

    A trapezoid is a special type of quadrilateral with some special properties. This tutorial introduces you to trapezoids and gives you a look at the special properties needed for a quadrilateral to be called a trapezoid. Check it out!

    • What is a Point?What is a Point?

    What is a Point?

    A point is a fundamental building block of math. Without points, you couldn't make lines, planes, angles, or polygons. That also means that graphing would be impossible. Needless to say, learning about points is very important! That makes this tutorial a must see!

    • What is a Plane?What is a Plane?

    What is a Plane?

    You can't learn everything about math without seeing planes. Did you know that there are rules for naming a plane? This tutorial introduces you to planes and shows you how to name them. Take a look!

    • What is a Line Segment?What is a Line Segment?

    What is a Line Segment?

    A math term can really tell you a lot about the thing it's describing. Take the term line segment. A line segment is just part of a line! In this tutorial, learn about line segments, how to name them, and what the midpoint of a line segment is!

    • What is a Ray?What is a Ray?

    What is a Ray?

    Rays are a very useful part of math. Two rays can create an angle. Multiple angles can create a polygon. Add another dimension, and you get three-dimensional solids! This tutorial introduces you to rays and shows you how to name them.

    • What is an Angle?What is an Angle?

    What is an Angle?

    Angles are a fundamental building block for creating all sorts of shapes! In this tutorial, learn about how an angle is formed, how to name an angle, and how an angle is measured. Take a look!

    • What is a Polygon?What is a Polygon?

    What is a Polygon?

    Got a closed figure with three or more sides? Then you have a polygon! In this tutorial, you'll learn about the properties of a polygon, see the names of the most popular polygons, and learn how to identify polygons. Check it out!

    • What are Acute, Obtuse, Right, and Straight Angles?What are Acute, Obtuse, Right, and Straight Angles?

    What are Acute, Obtuse, Right, and Straight Angles?

    Did you know that there are different kinds of angles? Knowing how to identify these angles is an important part of solving many problems involving angles. Check out this tutorial and learn about the different kinds of angles!

    • What are Complementary Angles?What are Complementary Angles?

    What are Complementary Angles?

    Do complementary angles always have something nice to say? Maybe. One thing complementary angles always do is add up to 90 degrees. In this tutorial, learn about complementary angles and see how to use this knowledge to solve a problem involving these special types of angles!

    • What are Supplementary Angles?What are Supplementary Angles?

    What are Supplementary Angles?

    Knowing about supplementary angles can be very useful in solving for missing angle measurements. This tutorial introduces you to supplementary angles and shows you how to use them to solve for a missing angle measurement. Take a look!

    • What are Vertical Angles?What are Vertical Angles?

    What are Vertical Angles?

    Vertical angles have a very special quality. They are always congruent to one another! Check out this tutorial to learn about and see how to identify vertical angles!

    • What Does Congruent Mean?What Does Congruent Mean?

    What Does Congruent Mean?

    If two figures have the same size and shape, then they are congruent. The term congruent is often used to describe figures like this. In this tutorial, take a look at the term congruent!

    • What are Parallel Lines?What are Parallel Lines?

    What are Parallel Lines?

    Lines that are parallel have a very special quality. Without this quality, these lines are not parallel. In this tutorial, take a look at parallel lines and see how they are different from any other kind of lines!

    • What are Perpendicular Lines?What are Perpendicular Lines?

    What are Perpendicular Lines?

    Perpendicular lines have a special property. The angles formed by perpendicular lines will always be the same. Check out this tutorial to learn about perpendicular lines and see a cool trick involving these special lines!

    • What are Skew Lines?What are Skew Lines?

    What are Skew Lines?

    Ever heard of skew lines? They're pretty cool! Take a look at this tutorial and you'll be introduced to skew lines.

    • What is a Transversal?What is a Transversal?

    What is a Transversal?

    Ever heard of a transversal? It's not as confusing as the term sounds. This tutorial will introduce you to transversals and show you the neat things that happen when a transversal meets two parallel lines. Take a look!

    • What are Acute, Obtuse, and Right Triangles?What are Acute, Obtuse, and Right Triangles?

    What are Acute, Obtuse, and Right Triangles?

    Did you know that there are different kinds of triangles? Knowing how to identify these triangles is an important part of solving many problems involving these triangles. Check out this tutorial and learn about some of the different kinds of triangles!

    • What is a Quadrilateral?What is a Quadrilateral?

    What is a Quadrilateral?

    The term quadrilateral is a really fancy sounding name for a certain kind of polygon. Did you know that there are special types of quadrilaterals? Watch this tutorial to learn about quadrilaterals and their special types.

    • What is a Square?What is a Square?

    What is a Square?

    A square is one of the many fundamental shapes you’ll see in math. Squares have special properties that can be very useful in helping you solve a problem. This tutorial introduces you to squares and explains their interesting qualities!

    • What is a Rhombus?What is a Rhombus?

    What is a Rhombus?

    A rhombus is a special kind of quadrilateral. Knowing about the special properties of a rhombus is important to identifying and using these special polygons. This tutorial introduces you to the rhombus and explains its unique qualities. Take a look!

    • What is a Regular Polygon?What is a Regular Polygon?

    What is a Regular Polygon?

    Polygons come in all different shapes and sizes. Some polygons have special properties that allow them to be called regular polygons. In this tutorial, you'll see what it takes for a polygon to be given this special name. Check it out!

    • What are Equilateral, Isosceles, and Scalene Triangles?What are Equilateral, Isosceles, and Scalene Triangles?

    What are Equilateral, Isosceles, and Scalene Triangles?

    Did you know that there are different kinds of triangles? Knowing how to identify these triangles is an important part of solving many problems involving these triangles. Check out this tutorial and learn about some of the different kinds of triangles!

    • What is Rotational Symmetry?What is Rotational Symmetry?

    What is Rotational Symmetry?

    Ever notice that some shapes look the same after you rotate them? These shapes have a property called rotational symmetry! Check out this tutorial to learn more.

    • What is the Triangle Sum Theorem?What is the Triangle Sum Theorem?

    What is the Triangle Sum Theorem?

    When you're dealing with triangles, the Triangle Sum theorem can be very useful in finding interior angle measurements. In this tutorial, learn how to find this helpful theorem!