Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems, e.g., by reasoning about tables of equivalent ratios, tape diagrams, double number line diagrams, or equations.

Popular Tutorials in Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems, e.g., by reasoning about tables of equivalent ratios, tape diagrams, double number line diagrams, or equations.

    • How Do You Solve a Word Problem Using Unit Rates?How Do You Solve a Word Problem Using Unit Rates?

    How Do You Solve a Word Problem Using Unit Rates?

    Word problems allow you to see the real world uses of math! This tutorial shows you how to take a rate and convert it to a unit rate. Then, you can use that unit rate to calculate your answer. Watch this tutorial to learn all about it!

    • How Do You Convert a Rate To A Unit Rate?How Do You Convert a Rate To A Unit Rate?

    How Do You Convert a Rate To A Unit Rate?

    When you talk about the speed of a car, you usually say something in miles per hour. For example, you say, 'I drove 40 miles per hour.' Normally, you don't say, 'I drove 120 miles per 3 hours.' Figure out how to convert a rate like 120 miles per 3 hours to the unit rate of 40 miles per hour by watching this tutorial.

    • How Do You Solve a Word Problem Using a Percent Proportion?How Do You Solve a Word Problem Using a Percent Proportion?

    How Do You Solve a Word Problem Using a Percent Proportion?

    Word problems allow you to see the real world uses of math! This tutorial shows you how to take a words problem and turn it into a percent proportion. Then see how to solve for the answer using the mean extremes property of proportions. Take a look!

    • What's a Percent?What's a Percent?

    What's a Percent?

    Sales tax, tips at restaurants, grades on tests... no matter what you do, you can't run away from percents. So watch this tutorial and see once and for all what percents are all about!

    • How Do You Turn a Percent into a Decimal?How Do You Turn a Percent into a Decimal?

    How Do You Turn a Percent into a Decimal?

    Percents and Decimals are just tools that let us represent numbers, and that is why percents can be converted into decimals, and decimals can be converted into percents. In this tutorial you'll see how quickly you can convert percents into decimals!

    • How Do You Set Up a Percent Proportion from a Word Problem?How Do You Set Up a Percent Proportion from a Word Problem?

    How Do You Set Up a Percent Proportion from a Word Problem?

    Sometimes the hardest part of a word problem is figuring out how to turn the words into an equation you can solve. This tutorial let's you see the steps to take in order to do just that! Take a look! You'll be glad you did!

    • What's a Percent Proportion?What's a Percent Proportion?

    What's a Percent Proportion?

    Percents are important, and the reality is that percents are actually proportions in disguise. In this tutorial you'll see exactly how to connect percents with proportions, and you'll be happier for it :)

    • What's a Ratio?What's a Ratio?

    What's a Ratio?

    Ratios are everywhere! The scale on a map or blueprint is a ratio. Ingredients sometimes need to be mixed using ratios such as the ratio of water to cement mix when making cement. Watch this tutorial to learn about ratios. Then think of some ratios you've encountered before!

    • How Do You Convert Cups to Pints?How Do You Convert Cups to Pints?

    How Do You Convert Cups to Pints?

    It can be helpful to see a capacity given in different units. This tutorial shows you how to take a measurement in cups and convert it to pints!

    • How Do You Convert Quarts to Gallons?How Do You Convert Quarts to Gallons?

    How Do You Convert Quarts to Gallons?

    If you go to the store to buy a certain number of quarts of milk and the store only sells milk in gallons, what do you do? You need to convert those quarts into gallons! Follow along with this tutorial to learn how.

    • How Do You Find Equivalent Ratios by Making a Table?How Do You Find Equivalent Ratios by Making a Table?

    How Do You Find Equivalent Ratios by Making a Table?

    To master equivalent ratios, you need to practice. Follow along with this tutorial to practice filling in a table with equivalent ratios.

    • How Do You Use a Table of Equivalent Ratios to Predict a Value?How Do You Use a Table of Equivalent Ratios to Predict a Value?

    How Do You Use a Table of Equivalent Ratios to Predict a Value?

    Patterns are everywhere! In this tutorial, you'll see how to use the pattern in a table to find an answer to a word problem.

    • How Do You Write a Ratio in Simplest Form?How Do You Write a Ratio in Simplest Form?

    How Do You Write a Ratio in Simplest Form?

    In this tutorial, you'll see how to take the information from a given table and use it to find a ratio. You'll also see how to write the answer in simplest form!

    • How Do You Estimate a Percent?How Do You Estimate a Percent?

    How Do You Estimate a Percent?

    When something is on sale, it's good to know how much you're saving! This tutorial shows you how to estimate a percent using an original price and a coupon!

    • How Do You Use Mental Math to Estimate a Percent?How Do You Use Mental Math to Estimate a Percent?

    How Do You Use Mental Math to Estimate a Percent?

    Mental math is a powerful tool! See how to use mental math in this tutorial to estimate a percent!

    • How Do You Find Equivalent Ratios?How Do You Find Equivalent Ratios?

    How Do You Find Equivalent Ratios?

    Ratios are used to compare numbers. When you're working with ratios, it's sometimes easier to work with an equivalent ratio. Equivalent ratios have different numbers but represent the same relationship. In this tutorial, you'll see how to find equivalent ratios by first writing the given ratio as a fraction. Take a look!

    • How Do You Know If Two Ratios are Proportional?How Do You Know If Two Ratios are Proportional?

    How Do You Know If Two Ratios are Proportional?

    Ratios are proportional if they represent the same relationship. One way to see if two ratios are proportional is to write them as fractions and then reduce them. If the reduced fractions are the same, your ratios are proportional. To see this process in action, check out this tutorial!

    • How Do You Use Unit Rates to Compare Rates?How Do You Use Unit Rates to Compare Rates?

    How Do You Use Unit Rates to Compare Rates?

    Word problems allow you to see the real world uses of math! This tutorial shows you how to use ratios to figure out which store has a better deal on cupcakes. Take a look!

    • How Do You Use Dimensional Analysis to Convert Units on One Part of a Rate?How Do You Use Dimensional Analysis to Convert Units on One Part of a Rate?

    How Do You Use Dimensional Analysis to Convert Units on One Part of a Rate?

    Word problems are a great way to see math in action! In this tutorial, learn how to use the information given in a word problem to create a rate. Then, find and use a conversion factor to convert a unit in the rate. Take a look!

    • How Do You Convert Miles to Kilometers?How Do You Convert Miles to Kilometers?

    How Do You Convert Miles to Kilometers?

    The world is full of different units of measure, and it's important to know how to convert from one unit to another. This tutorial shows you how to convert from miles to kilometers. Check it out!

    • How Do You Convert Yards to Meters?How Do You Convert Yards to Meters?
    • What are Equivalent Ratios?What are Equivalent Ratios?

    What are Equivalent Ratios?

    Equivalent ratios are just like equivalent fractions. If two ratios have the same value, then they are equivalent, even though they may look very different! In this tutorial, take a look at equivalent ratios and learn how to tell if you have equivalent ratios.

    • What is Dimensional, or Unit Analysis?What is Dimensional, or Unit Analysis?

    What is Dimensional, or Unit Analysis?

    If you’re solving a math problem or word problem that contains units, you need to remember to include your units in your answer. By using dimensional analysis or unit analysis, you can include those units as you solve! Watch this tutorial and take a look at dimensional analysis!

    • How Do You Put Fractions, Decimals, and Percents in Order?How Do You Put Fractions, Decimals, and Percents in Order?

    How Do You Put Fractions, Decimals, and Percents in Order?

    Ordering numbers from least to greatest? Are the numbers in different forms? To make comparing easier, convert all the numbers to decimals. Then, plot those decimals on a number line and compare them! This tutorial shows you how!

    • How Do You Turn a Percent Into a Fraction?How Do You Turn a Percent Into a Fraction?

    How Do You Turn a Percent Into a Fraction?

    Looking for some practice converting percents to fractions? Then this tutorial was made for you! Follow along as this tutorial shows you how to convert a percent to a fraction. Then, reduce the fraction to put it in simplest form. Check it out!

    • How Do You Turn a Fraction Into a Percent?How Do You Turn a Fraction Into a Percent?

    How Do You Turn a Fraction Into a Percent?

    Looking for some practice converting fractions to percents? Then this tutorial was made for you! Follow along as this tutorial shows you how to convert a fraction to a percent.Take a look!

    • How Do You Turn a Decimal into a Percent?How Do You Turn a Decimal into a Percent?

    How Do You Turn a Decimal into a Percent?

    Converting decimals into percents is easier than you may think! To convert a decimal to a percent, just move the decimal point to places to the right and put a percent sign at the end! To see it done, check out this tutorial!

    • How Do You Use a Proportion to Find a Whole?How Do You Use a Proportion to Find a Whole?

    How Do You Use a Proportion to Find a Whole?

    Taking a percent of a number? Trying to figure out the result? Use a percent proportion to solve! This tutorial will show you how!

    • How Do You Use an Equation to Find a Whole?How Do You Use an Equation to Find a Whole?

    How Do You Use an Equation to Find a Whole?

    Taking a percent of a number? Trying to figure out the result? Use a percent equation to solve! This tutorial will show you how!

    • How Do You Use Compatible Numbers to Estimate a Part of a Whole?How Do You Use Compatible Numbers to Estimate a Part of a Whole?

    How Do You Use Compatible Numbers to Estimate a Part of a Whole?

    If you're trying to find the percent of a number, it may be helpful to use compatible numbers to find an estimated answer. Follow along with this tutorial to see how to use compatible numbers to estimate the percent of a number!